July 6, 2016
While Forest Service Chases Down Wildfires, the Solution Gets Away From Us
TRCP’s new communications and operations associate grew up in wildfire country—now in D.C., she’s experiencing the impacts of fire in a completely different way It was 4am on a school night...
May 11, 2015
Glassing the Hill: May 11 – 15
The TRCP’s scouting report on sportsmen’s issues in Congress The Senate is in session from Monday through Friday. The House is in session from Tuesday through Friday. These Senators...
February 3, 2015
Inside the President’s 2016 budget request
Today, President Barack Obama released his fiscal year 2016 budget request to Congress. The president’s call for doing away with sequestration and increasing spending by $74 billion would provide...
August 20, 2014
Finding a cure for fire borrowing
Failure to prepare for wildfire season with adequate federal funding is akin to skipping a flu shot. The flu is unpleasant and sometimes dangerous, so why not stop by...
August 19, 2014
Fire Management Needs Funds
Oregon is known for vast landscapes of sagebrush steppe and lush forest. These wide-open countries provide both access and important habitat for numerous species of big game, birds and...
July 27, 2014
Firefighting and sportsmen: Why we support the Wildfire Disaster Funding Act – and why you should, too
There is nothing like summer in Montana for a young man with a truck and a fly rod. Incredible fishing in any number of rivers, streams and lakes starts...
TRCP has partnered with Afuera Coffee Co. to further our commitment to conservation. $4 from each bag is donated to the TRCP, to help continue our efforts of safeguarding critical habitats, productive hunting grounds, and favorite fishing holes for future generations.
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