October 8, 2013
Seven Major Sportsmen’s Groups Call on Congress to End Shutdown
Seven major sportsmen’s groups from across the country hosted a teleconference calling on Congress to end the shutdown that has closed hundreds of wildlife refuges, Forest Service and BLM...
September 11, 2013
Ballot Box Biology Bad for Sportsmen
At first glance, many of the issues facing hunters and anglers today seem overwhelmingly complex. On topics as diverse as ATV use to public land development, climate change to...
June 18, 2013
Can Crowd-Sourced Funding Save Conservation?
When times are tough, people get creative. One TRCP partner in particular has developed an out-of-the-box strategy to cure the conservation-funding blues. National habitat and conservation organization, National Wild...
May 28, 2013
How Much Is a Fish Worth?
From supporting American jobs to providing a healthy protein source for our food supply, commercial fishing is enormously important to the United States. Although our overall take is obviously...
May 7, 2013
We Can Do Better
Normally I post deep thoughts about matters of conservation policy. Today I will rant. Just over a week ago I met two friends, packed up the car in Washington,...
March 25, 2013
Speak up to Save Critical Grassland Habitat
The TRCP joins partners Pheasants Forever, Quail Forever, Ducks Unlimited and others in urging sportsmen across the nation to contact their House representative and ask him or her to...
New Hope for Native Grasslands
There’s new hope that native grasslands—arguably the most threatened wildlife habitat in the nation – can be saved. But the House of Representatives will have to follow the bipartisan...
November 27, 2012
Congressional Bickering Leaves Sportsmen in the Lurch
We called the Sportsmen’s Act easy to love for a reason. Until yesterday it appeared that a large majority of lawmakers in Congress agreed. The bill recognizes the broad...
October 16, 2012
Billfish Conservation Act Passes Congress, Changing Commercial Harvesting Standards
By Jason Schratwieser, Conservation Director, International Game Fish Association It’s been a long, slow road, but the Billfish Conservation Act of 2011 has been signed into law by the...
July 2, 2012
A Win for Wild Sheep
Common sense and the best interests of Western wildlife prevailed last week when Representative Mike Simpson withdrew his policy rider to the House appropriations bill for interior, environment and...
TRCP has partnered with Afuera Coffee Co. to further our commitment to conservation. $4 from each bag is donated to the TRCP, to help continue our efforts of safeguarding critical habitats, productive hunting grounds, and favorite fishing holes for future generations.
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