

posted in: Highlights

December 20, 2024

Looking Ahead: Our Top Conservation Priorities in 2025

Breaking down the most pressing needs for habitat, access, and our sporting traditions in 2025.

The year ahead provides hunters, anglers, and the conservation community with significant opportunity to further advance America’s legacy of conservation, habitat, and access.

Working alongside our partners, here’s what we want to get done in 2025.

Loss of access to the places where we hunt and fish is one of the biggest threats to the future of conservation and our outdoor recreation opportunities. Americans’ access to the outdoors is unparalleled in all the world, but there are more competing demands on our natural resources than ever before. Sportsmen and sportswomen can’t afford to get edged out.  

In order to guarantee quality places to hunt and fish, TRCP will work to stop efforts to sell or transfer public lands, while simultaneously striving to expand access and improve the management of public lands for the benefit of hunters and anglers.

Learn more about our commitment to public access HERE    

Most of the land in the continental United States is privately owned and managed by farmers, ranchers, and forest landowners. Farm Bill conservation programs give these landowners tools and incentives to manage their land with conservation in mind. Landowners use these programs create and enhance wildlife habitat, improve water quality, and even provide hunting and fishing access. Taken together, Farm Bill conservation programs are the single largest investment in conservation that we make in the United States. 

To our disappointment, and despite years of work, Congress has been unable to find compromise on an updated Farm Bill. The upcoming year will be critical for the conservation programs we cherish as hunters and anglers. The TRCP, and our partners, are working with decision makers in Congress, especially the House and Senate Ag Committees, and USDA to keep hunter and angler priorities top of mind, both in the writing of the next Farm Bill and in the interim. 

Learn more about Farm Bill Conservation Programs HERE

If you want great sport fishing, you need healthy forage fish.  Like other small but critically important forage fish, menhaden and herring play a central role in marine food webs. These tiny, oily baitfish are an essential food source for some of the most economically important sportfish: striped bass, redfish, bluefin tuna, bluefish, speckled trout, weakfish, tarpon, summer flounder, and sharks. 

TRCP will continue to elevate the voices of sportsmen and sportswomen as we call upon regional fisheries managers to change their approach to managing forage fish like menhaden and herring in 2025. 

Learn more about forage fish conservation HERE

Chronic wasting disease has spread rapidly among deer and elk populations, particularly in the last ten years. If you don’t have CWD where you hunt, you don’t want it. This disease is 100% fatal, highly contagious, and can remain in an infected environment for years. Wildlife managers need the resources to deal with this disease, as well as more and better science on the best ways to manage its spread. 

In 2025, TRCP, our partners, and the hunting community will continue to advocate for investments in disease response and research, as well as greater education and awareness for the hunting community, to ensure the future of our deer and elk herds and hunting opportunities. 

Learn more about chronic wasting disease HERE

The historic investments in the restoration and renewal of our nation’s public lands through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and the Inflation Reduction Act started to hit the ground in 2024, providing benefits to hunters, anglers, and outdoor recreationalists.   

In 2025, TRCP, our partners, and the sporting community will focus on ensuring that these investments, and their implementation, continue to restore and protect wetlands, manage upland habitat, and build resilience to drought and wildfires so habitat for fish and wildlife are safeguarded and that the recreational opportunities for the next generations of hunters and anglers are protected. 

Learn more about our commitment to habitat and clean water HERE

In recent years, big game migration has taken center stage at the intersection of science, policy, and management. We’ve known for decades that these animals migrate, but recent research and technology have helped to define the exact locations of migratory corridors and stopover areas, and how animals use these habitats. As a result, it is imperative that efforts to conserve these habitats advance on both public and private lands in 2025.  

TRCP, and our partners, aim to ensure that public land management plans on BLM and USFS land continue to conserve the most sensitive big game habitats and will work towards passage of the Wildlife Movement Through Partnership Act to formalize migration conservation programs that provide financial and technical assistance to states, Tribes, and private landowners. 

Learn more about big game migration corridors HERE

Stay connected in 2025. The TRCP is your resource for all things conservation. In our weekly Roosevelt Report, you’ll receive the latest news on emerging habitat threats, legislation and proposals on the move, public land access solutions we’re spearheading, and opportunities for hunters and anglers to take action. Sign up now

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posted in: Highlights

Our Top Conservation Wins of 2024

Your support helped make these conservation successes possible

As the year draws to a close, we’re pleased to highlight some of our top conservation wins of 2024.  We’re proud to say that hunters and anglers continue to speak out meaningfully on the issues that matter most to them. Thanks to you, and the actions of our 63 partners and 25 corporate partners, TRCP secured key victories for sporting access, conservation funding, and fish and wildlife habitat.  Below, you’ll find our top achievements to date in 2024.  

Given all that we’ve accomplished this year to guarantee Americans quality places to hunt and fish, we hope you’ll consider stepping into the arena and supporting TRCP during this season of giving.   From now until January 1, 2024, every donation you make will be matched by a TRCP Board member up to $500,000, doubling your impact for conservation.

Here are our top achievements to date in 2024. 

As blessed as American hunters, anglers, and other recreationists are with public land and water resources, we are not free from difficulties and confusion when it comes to public access. That’s why the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership continued to work hard in 2024 as we strive to solve the most pressing public land and water access challenges. 

Below are a few public access wins from 2024:  

  • The EXPLORE Act is a first of its kind recreation package that would improve access to the outdoors and modernize recreation infrastructure.  This comprehensive legislative package would expand access opportunities to a variety of public land users, streamline permitting processes for businesses focused on providing recreation opportunities, and modernize outdoor infrastructure.  Learn more   
  • The MAPWaters Act builds on the success of the MAPLand Act—and would direct federal agencies to digitize water and fishing access and recreational use information on federal waterways such as restrictions on motorized propulsion, horsepower, or gasoline fuel; types of watercraft permitted on certain waters; the location and boundaries of fishing restrictions, and more. This bill is one step away from the President’s desk. Learn more
  • Public Lands in Public Hands Act would maintain valuable hunting and fishing access for sportsmen and women. This bipartisan legislation would require congressional approval for the sale and transfer of public lands to non-federal entities in most instances. Learn more  
  • This bill will enhance and expand recreation opportunities through investment in technology commonly found in smartphone applications to provide anglers, boaters, and other users with the information they need to safely and legally enjoy offshore waters and federal saltwater fisheries.  Learn more   

Conservation depends on robust funding for research, management, and restoration at the federal, state, and local levels. Any increase to conservation funding is a good thing for America’s public lands, fish and wildlife resources, and hunters and anglers, and that’s why TRCP continued to represent the voices of hunters and anglers with decision-makers in 2024 to secure wins for investments in conservation.

Below is a significant 2024 win for conservation funding: 

  • The America’s Conservation Enhancement Reauthorization Act will benefit fish and wildlife while enhancing outdoor recreation opportunities for millions of hunters and anglers. TRCP applauds the House and Senate passage of this important bipartisan legislation and looks forward to building on the success of these crucial conservation programs that will benefit hunters and anglers for generations to come. The bill now awaits the president’s signature. Learn more 

Across the West, hunters and anglers saw states invest in big game migration conservation in 2024. From Wyoming taking the first steps to identify another mule deer migration, to Idaho building over and under passes to promote habitat connectivity, to Colorado establishing public land management plans on BLM and USFS land to conserve the most sensitive big game habitats, these conservation measures will enhance hunter opportunity as herds will be able to more easily move daily and seasonally across the landscape. 

Below are a few big wins for big game migration conservation from 2024:  

  • The refinements made by the BLM to the Western Solar Plan will help maintain seasonal habitats that are crucially important for the West’s big game herds. Learn more   
  • The signing of a Memorandum from Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack recognized the importance of USDA’s role in conserving wildlife movement and migration habitats across public and private lands. The memo formalized and expanded the USDA’s commitment to migration conservation and enhanced benefits for wildlife habitat connectivity and corridors in partnership with public land managers, state agencies, Tribes, private landowners, and NGOs. Learn more  

The historic investments in the restoration and renewal of our nation’s public lands through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and the Inflation Reduction Act hit the ground in 2024, providing benefits to hunters, anglers, and outdoor recreationalists.

Here are just a few examples from 2024 on how this funding contributed to safeguarding our sporting traditions:  

  • TRCP helped to secure more than $50 million in Inflation Reduction Act funds to increase the pace and scale of fish and wildlife habitat restoration on Bureau of Land Management (BLM) lands. These historic investments in restoring wildlife habitat and fisheries, improving hunting and fishing opportunities, and building resilience to drought will safeguard habitat for fish and wildlife, and ensure recreational opportunities for the next generations of hunters and anglers.   The impacts of this funding can be seen across the nation, in places like Colorado’s San Luis Valley, Arizona’s Sky Islands, and Southeast Oregon’s Sagebrush-steppe landscape, among many other places. Learn more

All hunting and fishing opportunities depend on quality habitat, from clean water and healthy wetlands to winter and summer habitats and the migration corridors that connect them. But the expansion of human development across the landscape—in our cities and towns, of our highway system, and from energy development and distribution—is threatening these habitats. TRCP drove a number of significant wins in 2024 that will benefit hunters and anglers for years to come. 

Here are just a few widespread wins for hunters and anglers in 2024:   

  • In June, the BLM filed a Record of Decision to deny construction of the Ambler Road industrial corridor that would have sliced 211-miles across the southern foothills of Alaska’s Brooks Range. Over 14,000 hunters and anglers took action to support the BLM’s decision.  Learn more
  • In February 2024, before the commercial pogy fishing season began, Louisiana’s Wildlife and Fisheries Commission approved a half-mile coastwide buffer prohibiting pogy boats from netting in near-shore Louisiana waters. After the half-mile buffer was enacted, 2024 saw the second-lowest number of fish spilled since records were made available. Learn more 
  • The Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) is a biennial piece of legislation that was passed by the United States Senate on December 18th and now awaits the president’s signature.  This year’s WRDA has numerous TRCP- led provisions that advance funding for fish and wildlife habitat improvements, enhancing aquatic connectivity and water-based recreation, and updating recreational access information for hunters and anglers. Learn more  
  • The Kelly parcel contains a section of the longest known pronghorn migration route in the world, numerous elk migrations, winter range for bighorn sheep and moose, and native cutthroat trout habitat. In November, Wyoming’s State Board of Land Commissioners agreed to sell the Kelly Parcel to Grand Teton National Park for $100 million – maintaining its outstanding wildlife resources and the ability to hunt and fish on the parcel in perpetuity.  Learn more
  • In a win for science-based wildlife management and the hunting community, regulated mountain lion and bobcat hunting and trapping will continue in Colorado. Colorado Proposition 127 was counter to science-based wildlife management led by expert wildlife professionals and its defeat, thanks to the voices of TRCP partners and supporters, helps keep wildlife professionals engaged in wildlife management decisions.  Learn more

Given all that we’ve accomplished this year to guarantee Americans quality places to hunt and fish, we hope you’ll consider supporting TRCP during this season of giving. You can help TRCP continue its mission, allowing you to keep enjoying your favorite outdoor pursuits. Whether those pursuits are on the water or in the field, TRCP has your back, but we can’t do it alone. We invite you to step into the arena with us and donate today!    


posted in: Highlights

Hunters and Anglers Cheer EXPLORE Act Passage

Bill will expand access opportunities to a variety of public land users  

The United States Senate passed the EXPLORE Act through unanimous consent, building on House passage from April and advancing the legislation to the President’s desk. The EXPLORE Act is a comprehensive legislative package that would expand access opportunities to a variety of public land users, streamline permitting processes for businesses focused on providing recreation opportunities, and modernize outdoor infrastructure.  

“TRCP joins hunters, anglers, and the millions of other Americans who recreate on public lands and waters in thanking the House and Senate for passing this important bipartisan legislation,” said Joel Pedersen, president and CEO of the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership. “As recreation continues to evolve in the 21st century, the EXPLORE Act ensures both the agencies and the public have the support and tools they need to make the most of their days outdoors.”  

The EXPLORE Act was originally introduced by House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Bruce Westerman (R-Ark.) and Ranking Member Raul Grijalva (D-Ariz) and advanced in the Senate by Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee Chairman Joe Manchin (I-WV) and Ranking Member John Barrasso (R-Wyo.).   

The EXPLORE Act will:   

  • Expand availability of public target shooting ranges on BLM and Forest Land. 
  • Allow states, counties, and Tribes to conduct recreation infrastructure enhancement or improvements on public lands through Good Neighbor Agreements.  
  • Improve federal coordination and provide assistance to non-federal partners in preventing the spread of aquatic invasive species.  

TRCP works to maintain and strengthen the future of hunting and fishing by uniting and amplifying our partners’ voices in conserving and restoring wildlife populations and their habitat as challenges continue to evolve.

The TRCP is your resource for all things conservation. In our weekly Roosevelt Report, you’ll receive the latest news on emerging habitat threats, legislation and proposals on the move, public land access solutions we’re spearheading, and opportunities for hunters and anglers to take action. Sign up now.


posted in: Highlights

December 19, 2024

Youth Deer Camp 2024

TRCP’s Montana program manager mentors young hunters while enjoying the public lands of the Lolo National Forest

It was still one-half hour until shooting light, but my friend Tim, my daughter Ella, her two friends, and I could clearly see down to Rock Creek, deep in the Lolo National Forest of Montana. It was mid-October, and another youth deer hunting season would soon begin. Ella’s 7mm-08 rifle rested on the rocks at the cliff’s edge, pointing safely towards the river bottom below as we waited for daylight, and hopefully, for deer to appear.

The girls whispered and giggled about the past youth seasons already under their belt. Each of them had already taken multiple deer and were gaining confidence each time they entered the woods. The girls sipped hot chocolate, while Tim and I talked quietly about how much we’ve enjoyed this hunt over the years and how thankful we are for the plentiful public land in Montana that has helped us usher in this next generation of hunters. 

Hunters Ella Chapin (far right) and Athena Starin (3rd from right) with their “support team” for the youth deer season opener in the Lolo National Forest of Montana.

For the past six years, we’ve taken our kiddos and a few of their friends on this annual youth deer hunt.  Our sons are now self-sufficient hunters, who happened to be together even higher on the cliff to help locate distant deer invisible to us. We worked out hand signals so they could assist from afar. Tim and I were pleased at how the older boys were taking it upon themselves to help the girls with their hunt. Further upstream were other friends, consisting of two adults and two youth hunters. At sunrise, the boys should be able to see the hunter orange dots from both of our groups and everything in between.

Dawn arrived quickly and so did the action. We could see the boys excitedly signaling “buck” by sticking several fingers off the top of their heads. They were pointing far away and in the direction of the other group. They were also signaling “many deer around” by waving hands with multiple fingers raised.  The girls grew quiet, and Ella snapped behind the rifle.   

Tim saw the first deer coming. 

“Three deer along the river,” he said.

They were barely out of range, and Ella had them in her scope as they marched closer to our location. A distant gunshot sounded, and the boys waived excitedly. Ella’s lead doe stopped, now within range and broadside.

“I’m on her, Dad. Can I shoot?” Ella asked.

“Yes, pick a spot at the shoulder’s crease and just squeeze the trigger straight back,” I said.

The dampened report of Ella’s suppressed rifle sounded, and the doe jumped high, ran a circle and then fell dead in plain sight. The other two deer milled around but didn’t leave.

Ella Chapin (center) with her youth hunt doe and supported by happy friends.

“Athena, see if you can trade places with Ella and get a good shot on a second deer,” I said.

Ella moved away from the gun and Athena took her place. I helped chamber another cartridge.  The deer was closer now, less than 100 yards, but at a steep downward angle when Athena had it solidly in her sights. Her shot was good and behind the shoulder. The deer collapsed on the spot. We unloaded the rifle and congratulated the successful hunters.

The boys came down from their post and we learned that Ava, one of the other youth hunters from our other group, harvested a nice buck with the lone gunshot we heard earlier. With three deer down in the first hour of light, this year’s youth deer hunting camp was already a roaring success!

The Lolo National Forest stretches across 2 million acres of western Montana. This landscape offers vital habitat for elk, mule deer, bighorn sheep, moose, and invaluable, intact cold-water systems home to native fish like bull trout and Westslope cutthroat as well as wild rainbow, brown, and brook trout. These millions of acres support commercial opportunities that provide thousands of jobs in local communities, as well as innumerable recreation opportunities such as the youth deer hunting camp described above.

As with all National Forests, land management plans must be updated periodically, and the Lolo’s has not been revised in over two decades. In that time, new challenges have arisen that must be addressed, including increased outdoor recreation, the growing presence of noxious weeds, and the impacts of decades of fire suppression combined with hotter, drier weather.

Currently, the Lolo is in the process of revising its land management plans and engaged hunters and anglers will have upcoming opportunities to speak up for a successful planning outcome that conserves important big game and fisheries habitats. A top priority for TRCP is to ensure the Lolo recognizes that in the decades since the existing forest plans were finalized, several important big game migrations and winter ranges for elk, mule deer, and bighorn sheep in western Montana have been identified.

Athena Starin “notching” her tag, helped by Addie Sheldon.

The Forest Service must incorporate the latest science, utilize the best-available conservation tools, and prioritize coordination with other stakeholders to safeguard big game corridors and winter range as the agency initiates the forest plan revision process for these public lands. This will guarantee quality places to hunt and fish for future generations.

Learn more about TRCP and the Lolo National Forest HERE.

Stay tuned to TRCP channels or go to the Lolo National Forest Plan Revision Site to learn how to participate in this important plan revision.

Photo credits: Ryan Chapin

The TRCP is your resource for all things conservation. In our weekly Roosevelt Report, you’ll receive the latest news on emerging habitat threats, legislation and proposals on the move, public land access solutions we’re spearheading, and opportunities for hunters and anglers to take action. Sign up now.


posted in: Highlights

December 17, 2024

In The Arena: Glenn Hughes

TRCP’s “In the Arena” series highlights the individual voices of hunters and anglers who, as Theodore Roosevelt so famously said, strive valiantly in the worthy cause of conservation.

Glenn Hughes

Hometown: Paoli, Pennsylvania
Occupation: President & CEO, American Sportfishing Association
TRCP Role: Board of Directors Member

Hughes has been fortunate to fish across America, from salmon rivers to the deep ocean for tuna. These experiences have helped shape his conservation ethic, one that makes him proud to Step Into the Arena with TRCP.

Here is his story.

Hughes with a dinosaur of a sturgeon.

TRCP: Why did you step into the arena of conservation with TRCP? Why is it important for you to be involved in conservation? 

Hughes: Conservation ensures that the natural resources supporting fishing, hunting, and outdoor recreation remain vibrant for future generations. Conserving habitats and clean waters not only sustains wildlife but also supports the economic and emotional well-being of communities tied to these activities.

TRCP: In your own words, tell us about two TRCP initiatives, past or present, that are important to you. Why? 

Hughes: TRCP’s work on ensuring public access to lands and waters is vital; it allows anglers like me to continue exploring the outdoors. Another key initiative is TRCP’s work on protecting menhaden and ensuring that commercial fishermen don’t obliterate this important forage fish.

TRCP: The TRCP Board is matching gifts this holiday season—what do hunters and anglers interested in donating to TRCP need to know?

Hughes: Donating during this campaign doubles your impact, directly supporting efforts to conserve habitats, improve public access, and promote sustainable outdoor recreation. Your contribution ensures that these critical initiatives can continue to benefit the broader outdoor community.   

Hughes shows off a nice Northeastern largemouth.

TRCP: How were you introduced to hunting, fishing, and the outdoors? Who introduced you? 

Hughes: I was introduced to the outdoors by my father, who took me and my four siblings fishing with a bobber, hook, and a worm at a young age at our family cabin on Fairview Lake in the Pocono Mountains. 

Conservation matters because it safeguards the future of the traditions we love. By taking action now, we ensure that future generations inherit the same—or better—opportunities to enjoy thriving fisheries, abundant wildlife, and access to public lands.

TRCP: Tell us about one of your most memorable outdoor adventures. 

Hughes: There are so many, it’s hard to pick one. From my first blue marlin in Bermuda, to catching a giant bluefin tuna off of Prince Edward Island, to fly fishing on the Kenai River in Alaska, I’ve been so blessed. Recently, I had the chance to fish with Representative Bruce Westerman, Chair of the House Natural Resources Committee, for red snapper in the Gulf of Mexico. We spent the day catching fish, talking conservation, and sharing fishing stories. Good times.

Hughes’ smile says it all as he lifts this monster striper.

TRCP: If you could hunt or fish anywhere, where would it be and why?

Hughes: I’ve been fortunate to fish in many of the most sought-after destinations in our country. Sometimes it’s not where you fish but who you fish with. I need to fish more with my son, Conor, and someday, with grandchildren wherever we can get out and enjoy the great outdoors. I’d also like to go fishing with Johnny Morris on his favorite bass fishing lake, wherever that is.

TRCP: How does conservation help enhance your outdoor life? 

Hughes: Conservation ensures that the ecosystems supporting our outdoor activities thrive, making every fishing trip more rewarding. It maintains the landscapes and watersheds that provide these adventures, enriching the experience and fostering a deeper connection to nature. When I’m outdoors, I’m happy.

TRCP: Why should conservation matter to the next generation of hunters and anglers?

Hughes: Conservation matters because it safeguards the future of the traditions we love. By taking action now, we ensure that future generations inherit the same—or better—opportunities to enjoy thriving fisheries, abundant wildlife, and access to public lands.

Photo credits: Glenn Hughes

The TRCP is your resource for all things conservation. In our weekly Roosevelt Report, you’ll receive the latest news on emerging habitat threats, legislation and proposals on the move, public land access solutions we’re spearheading, and opportunities for hunters and anglers to take action. Sign up now.


TRCP has partnered with Afuera Coffee Co. to further our commitment to conservation. $4 from each bag is donated to the TRCP, to help continue our efforts of safeguarding critical habitats, productive hunting grounds, and favorite fishing holes for future generations.

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