April 14, 2015
Sportsmen to Congress: We Won’t Stand Idly By if You Sell off our Public Lands
More than 100 hunting, fishing, and conservation organizations, including the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership, the National Wild Turkey Federation, Pheasants Forever, Quail Forever, Trout Unlimited, Dallas Safari Club, Pope...
April 9, 2015
Partnerships Power Conservation in Pheasant Country
The crowd was awash with blaze orange—on hats, t-shirts, and even one necktie—at the grand opening of Pheasants Forever’s new regional headquarters in Brookings, S.D., earlier this year. Perhaps...
March 10, 2015
Hunting for conservation solutions: 6 themes from Pheasant Fest & the Commodity Classic
Last month I attended two very different events. First was the Pheasant Fest and Quail Classic, the world’s largest gathering of upland hunters and conservationists. Next was the Commodity...
March 5, 2015
Open Fields: Where Access and Habitat Coexist
Jared Wiklund is Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever’s public relations specialist. Contact Wiklund at jwiklund@pheasantsforever.org and follow him on Twitter at @wiklund247. Publicly accessible land is THE trending topic in the American...
February 25, 2014
Pheasants Forever hosts nation’s largest upland event
Pheasants Forever and its quail division, Quail Forever, hosted more than 21,064 attendees at its National Pheasant Fest & Quail Classic this February in Milwaukee. The annual event is...
November 12, 2013
Rooster Road Trip: For the Public Land Pheasant Hunter
I don’t own land. I live in an apartment in a city of 2-plus million people. But I love to hunt ring-necked pheasants. So I rely primarily on publicly...
July 13, 2012
Wetlands, Waterfowl and NAWCA
Everybody loves waterfowl. Those winged and web-footed creatures find their way into the hearts of sportsmen and anyone who spends time near bodies of water. Waterfowl are so universally...
TRCP has partnered with Afuera Coffee Co. to further our commitment to conservation. $4 from each bag is donated to the TRCP, to help continue our efforts of safeguarding critical habitats, productive hunting grounds, and favorite fishing holes for future generations.
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