February 28, 2014
SFRED winner Jarred Kay: A life changing connection
A group of young outdoor enthusiasts traveled to Washington, D.C. from across the country after winning an essay contest sponsored by Sportsmen for Responsible Energy Development, a coalition of...
November 21, 2013
The Chukar Hunt
A pointing dog’s ultimate challenge and a wing shooter’s nemesis, the chukar is a high speed game bird that runs like the wind and flies like thunder. They live...
October 17, 2013
50th Birthday Wish
A note from TRCP’s Ed Arnett: Greetings all, One of the things I really like about the TRCP family is sharing our great experiences on public lands hunting and...
September 24, 2013
Celebrate Our Outdoor Heritage
Mark your calendar. Saturday, Sept. 28 is National Public Lands Day and National Hunting and Fishing Day. National Public Lands Day is the nation’s largest, single-day volunteer effort for public...
September 5, 2013
A Victory for Roadless Area Conservation
Sportsmen need two things to be able to hunt and fish: access and opportunity. Since the TRCP’s inception in 2002, we have advanced policies that conserve large blocks of...
August 16, 2013
Quartering and Packing Big Game Demystified in New How-To Video
A lot of hunters feel uneasy about hunting backcountry public land because they’re worried about what to do when they get a deer or elk down on the ground...
May 17, 2013
Video: One Fast-Moving Tom
TRCP’s Neil Thagard and his wife Catherine recently had the opportunity to enjoy some time on public land chasing Merriam’s turkeys. With Catherine behind the camera and Neil as...
February 12, 2013
Public Lands Yield Iconic Game and Pristine Backcountry
This past August, I had the opportunity to hunt deer with archery equipment in central Nevada. This would be my first Nevada mule deer tag and I was able...
October 4, 2012
National Forest Roadless Lands Conserved as Big-game Seasons Commence
As sportsmen head to the fields, forests and streams this fall, we can be assured that some of America’s finest public lands fish and wildlife habitat will be conserved...
June 29, 2012
TRCP has partnered with Afuera Coffee Co. to further our commitment to conservation. $4 from each bag is donated to the TRCP, to help continue our efforts of safeguarding critical habitats, productive hunting grounds, and favorite fishing holes for future generations.
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