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January 22, 2025


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Anglers and Hunters Cheer House Passage of MAPWaters Act

Bill would direct agencies to digitize recreational access information on federal waterways 

The Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership joins anglers and hunters in cheering House passage of the Modernizing Access to Our Public Waters Act (H.R. 187).

The MAPWaters Act would improve recreation on federal waterways by investing in modern technology to provide anglers, hunters, boaters, and other water users the information they need to safely and legally access and utilize public waters administered by federal agencies.

The bipartisan legislation is led by Rep. Blake Moore (R-Utah), Rep. Jimmy Panetta (D-Calif.), Rep. Russ Fulcher (R-Idaho), and Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-Mich.).

“The MAPWaters Act will help Americans make the most of their days on the water by directing federal agencies to clarify the complex rules of public waterways and making them readily available,” said Joel Pedersen, president and CEO of the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership. “This bipartisan legislation will ensure Americans recreate safely and legally as they enjoy our nations waters.”

The MAPWaters Act builds on the success of the MAPLand Act by directing federal agencies to digitize water and fishing access and recreational use information on federal waterways and to make those resources readily available to the public. Federal waterways include any portion of a body of water managed, or partially managed, by one or more of the following federal agencies: the Bureau of Reclamation, the National Park Service, the Bureau of Land Management, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, and the Forest Service.

This newly digitized public information would include:

• Status information on which waterways are open or closed to entry or watercraft, including watercraft inspection or decontamination requirements.

• The areas of waterways with restrictions on motorized propulsion, horsepower, or gasoline fuel.

• Types of watercraft that are restricted on each area of a waterway, including the permissibility of canoes, rafts, motorboats, airboats, oversnow vehicles on frozen bodies of water, etc.

• The location and geographic boundaries of fishing restrictions on recreational and commercial fishing, including full or partial closures, no-take zones, and fishing restrictions within or surrounding marine protected areas.

• Fishing restrictions concerning specific types of equipment or bait, such as restrictions on the use of barbed hooks or live bait and requirements with respect to catch and release.

Much of this information is housed in agency documents and difficult for the public to discover and access. For example, in the Code of Federal Regulations, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service includes 42 pages worth of National Wildlife Refuge specific recreation rules, many of which are tied to waterway navigation, use, and fishing.

The clarity and accessibility of regulations for both the public and the agencies entrusted to manage these waters will result in more Americans confidently accessing and enjoying their public waters.

Learn more about TRCP’s commitment to public access HERE.

Photo credit: Gregg Flores 


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January 17, 2025

Greater Sage Grouse Land Use Planning Complete in Colorado and Oregon  

TRCP urges the BLM to work with states to expeditiously complete remaining plans.

Recently, the Bureau of Land Management signed records of decision for greater sage grouse plan amendments in Colorado and Oregon, two of the 10 Western states where plans are being updated in response to a court ruling.   

“For more than a decade, state agencies have worked in an unprecedented collaboration with the BLM to revise management plans to conserve over 67 million acres of sagebrush habitat,” said Madeleine West, vice president of Western conservation for the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership. “The completion of plans in Colorado and Oregon is great progress toward ending the cycle of planning so that agency staff and resources can move back to where it needs to be -on species and land management to benefit the sagebrush ecosystem and Western communities that rely on it.”  

In November 2024, the BLM issued final plans across the 10 state range of the greater sage grouse (California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming) and has been working since that time to resolve administrative protests and consistency reviews by several Governors.   

“With these new plans, the BLM has removed some poison pills that existed in the 2015 plans, retained important changes included in the plans finalized in 2020 to respect state authorities, and incorporated updated science to reflect an improved understanding of ecosystem needs over the last decade,” added West.  “We hope the Trump Administration will pick up this work quickly and collaborate with the remaining states to finalize all the plans in a manner that creates durable management in a consistent manner across the remaining range of the species.”     

The TRCP has been on the front lines of sage grouse conservation for years. The decline of this iconic game bird of the American West indicates that sagebrush habitat is in trouble, and that matters for sportsmen and women because the sagebrush ecosystem is home to more than 350 different species of plants and animals, including such iconic game species as pronghorn and mule deer. 

For more information about the plans, click HERE.   

The TRCP is your resource for all things conservation. In our weekly Roosevelt Report, you’ll receive the latest news on emerging habitat threats, legislation and proposals on the move, public land access solutions we’re spearheading, and opportunities for hunters and anglers to take action. Sign up now.


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Sporting Groups and Partners Cheer Conservation Investment in the Rio Grande Headwaters

New federal funding will support enhanced fish and wildlife habitat while tackling challenges faced by fish, wildlife, and communities along the Rio Grande in Colorado and New Mexico

Today, the Department of the Interior and Bureau of Reclamation today announced a $24.9 million investment to support water conservation and habitat restoration efforts in the headwaters of the Rio Grande. These new federal resources will ensure greater resilience to drought and water security for Colorado and New Mexico communities while significantly enhancing the quality of fish and wildlife habitat in the region for future generations of hunters and anglers.

“Today’s announcement provides a critical downpayment that will make the headwaters of the Rio Grande better prepared to handle the ongoing impacts of drought, while supporting state and local efforts to sustainably manage water supplies for future generations,” said Alexander Funk, TRCP director of water resources. “Further, this announcement shows that when Colorado and New Mexico work together, big things can happen that benefit fish and wildlife, support local economies, and tackle some of the region’s most pressing water challenges.” 

The Rio Grande is a vital resource for the region—it provides water for agriculture, which remains the backbone of the economy, communities, Pueblos, acequias, and iconic fish and wildlife, including the Rio Grande cutthroat trout and migratory waterfowl. Yet the Rio Grande is amid a long-term drought, which has placed considerable strain on surface and groundwater resources in the region. The funding announced today will help to provide a critical downpayment on addressing these challenges by investing in state and locally led efforts to encourage sustainable surface and groundwater management, update aging water storage and delivery infrastructure, and benefit fish and wildlife habitat by restoring wetlands and riparian areas.

The Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership worked in partnership with the Rio Grande Water Conservation District, San Luis Valley Water Conservancy District, Conejos Water Conservancy District, Rio Grande Headwaters Restoration Project, Colorado Open Lands, Santa Clara Pueblo, Middle Rio Grande Water Conservation District, New Mexico Interstate Stream Commission, Colorado Water Conservation Board, National Wildlife Federation, American Rivers, Amigos Bravos, and others in developing and securing this federal funding for the Upper Rio Grande.

“We are thrilled to see this funding go towards these critical projects in Colorado. We are particularly proud to have played a role in assisting these projects in securing funding through Colorado Water Conservation Board funding programs including our Federal Technical Assistance Grant Program, Projects Bill funding and Water Plan Grants,” said Lauren Ris, Colorado Water Conservation Board Director, “By building upon the capacity of our local partners, we provide extra resources and guidance to navigate complex federal funding processes.”

“This funding will expand the Department’s ongoing efforts to restore riparian habitats, enhance fish passage for Species of Greatest Conservation need, and maintain outdoor recreational opportunities for New Mexicans – now and into the future,” said Michael Sloane, Director, New Mexico Department of Game and Fish. “We are thrilled to continue to work with our federal, state, and private partners to get these funds on the ground to benefit fish, wildlife and habitat that supports them.” 

“The Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District is excited to partner with the Corrales farming community to invest in durable solutions to address infrastructure constraints and water supply shortages in their service area” said Jason M. Casuga, P.E., CEO and Chief Engineer of the Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District. “This innovative partnership is vital for the sustainability of the Corrales farm economy and area food security.”

“This funding is a critical investment in healthy rivers and communities in the Upper Rio Grande – an often overlooked but vital watershed for drinking water, agriculture, and wildlife. The projects supported by these funds will confront and solve long-term challenges in supplying clean, safe, reliable drinking water, improving water quality for wildlife and agriculture, and reducing risks across the region from drought and overuse,” said Emily Wolf, Rio Grande Coordinator, American Rivers. “We are proud to support this work, and our local partners, in securing this funding, and applaud the Bureau of Reclamation in supporting this crucial step.”

“With $24.9 million from President Biden’s Investing in America agenda, the Upper Rio Grande Basin will gain drought-resilient infrastructure, restored ecosystems, and advanced water management—ensuring sustainable water resources for generations to come,” said Amber Pacheco, Deputy General Manager, Rio Grande Water Conservation District. 

“This funding will be a catalyst for our collective work to restore the health of the San Luis Valley’s rivers and aquifers, which will improve the Upper Rio Grande Basin’s resilience in the face of changing water supplies,” said Heather Dutton, Manager, San Luis Valley Water Conservancy District. “The completion of these critical projects will make a difference for the community now and for future generations!” 

“This investment will be critical for a number of headwater streams, improving the resilience of these watersheds as well as the mainstem of the Rio Grande in light of the climate stressors we are facing. The projects will benefit the communities who rely on the watersheds, acequias and traditional agriculture, and the wildlife who call this region home,” said Steven Fry, Projects and Policy Specialist, Amigos Bravos. “The Bureau of Reclamation and the Biden-Harris administration are demonstrating once again that investing in our local communities and watersheds throughout the Rio Grande remains a priority and we thank them for their continued leadership.”

“The Rio Grande is the underpinning that supports the economic and ecological health of the region. This funding allows conservation partners to critically address and relieve the challenges this habitat and community have experienced from long-term drought and sustainability insecurity,” said Tracy Stephens, senior specialist for riparian connectivity at The National Wildlife Federation. “We applaud the Bureau of Reclamation’s investment and recognition of the importance of riparian health and habitat connectivity. This funding is an important step forward in a collective effort to achieve well-connected and functional riparian corridors to protect the wellbeing of people, plants, and wildlife in the Upper Rio Grande.”


Learn more about TRCP’s commitment to habitat and clean water HERE

The TRCP is your resource for all things conservation. In our weekly Roosevelt Report, you’ll receive the latest news on emerging habitat threats, legislation and proposals on the move, public land access solutions we’re spearheading, and opportunities for hunters and anglers to take action. Sign up now.


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Multiple Uses Balanced in Lakeview Resource Management Plan Amendment  

Key wildlife habitats will be conserved alongside ranching, wildfire prevention and invasive species management

The Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership applauds the Bureau of Land Management Lakeview Field Office for finalizing the long-awaited Resource Management Plan Amendment, a blueprint for balancing the needs of wildlife, recreation, ranching, and other uses across 3.2 million acres of public lands in southeastern Oregon. 

This plan represents significant collaboration between the local communities, state and federal agencies, stakeholders including hunters and anglers and members of the Tri-Corner Collaborative, and the BLM to ensure these landscapes remain intact, productive, and accessible for future generations. The RMPA demonstrates a thoughtful approach to maintaining multiple uses and conserving valuable wildlife habitats, including 415,679 acres that will now be managed to maintain wild, backcountry character, while addressing key challenges such as wildfire prevention and invasive species management. 

“This plan is a testament to the power of collaboration to achieve durable conservation outcomes,” said Tristan Henry, Oregon field representative for TRCP. “The Lakeview RMPA secures vital habitat for mule deer, pronghorn, and other species while providing certainty for public land users. This achievement reflects the input of countless Oregonians who value our public lands and outdoor traditions.” 

The TRCP is committed to supporting implementation of the Lakeview RMPA to ensure that the plan’s conservation measures translate into tangible benefits for fish, wildlife, and local communities. We look forward to working alongside the BLM, landowners, and other interests to sustain the health and resilience of Oregon’s public lands for generations to come. 

For more information on the TRCP’s work in southeast Oregon, click here

Photo credit: Robert Shea

The TRCP is your resource for all things conservation. In our weekly Roosevelt Report, you’ll receive the latest news on emerging habitat threats, legislation and proposals on the move, public land access solutions we’re spearheading, and opportunities for hunters and anglers to take action. Sign up now.


TRCP has partnered with Afuera Coffee Co. to further our commitment to conservation. $4 from each bag is donated to the TRCP, to help continue our efforts of safeguarding critical habitats, productive hunting grounds, and favorite fishing holes for future generations.

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