Key wildlife habitats will be conserved alongside ranching, wildfire prevention and invasive species management
The Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership applauds the Bureau of Land Management Lakeview Field Office for finalizing the long-awaited Resource Management Plan Amendment, a blueprint for balancing the needs of wildlife, recreation, ranching, and other uses across 3.2 million acres of public lands in southeastern Oregon.
This plan represents significant collaboration between the local communities, state and federal agencies, stakeholders including hunters and anglers and members of the Tri-Corner Collaborative, and the BLM to ensure these landscapes remain intact, productive, and accessible for future generations. The RMPA demonstrates a thoughtful approach to maintaining multiple uses and conserving valuable wildlife habitats, including 415,679 acres that will now be managed to maintain wild, backcountry character, while addressing key challenges such as wildfire prevention and invasive species management.
“This plan is a testament to the power of collaboration to achieve durable conservation outcomes,” said Tristan Henry, Oregon field representative for TRCP. “The Lakeview RMPA secures vital habitat for mule deer, pronghorn, and other species while providing certainty for public land users. This achievement reflects the input of countless Oregonians who value our public lands and outdoor traditions.”
The TRCP is committed to supporting implementation of the Lakeview RMPA to ensure that the plan’s conservation measures translate into tangible benefits for fish, wildlife, and local communities. We look forward to working alongside the BLM, landowners, and other interests to sustain the health and resilience of Oregon’s public lands for generations to come.
For more information on the TRCP’s work in southeast Oregon, click here.
Photo credit: Robert Shea
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