
May 10, 2016

Sportsmen Laud Browns Canyon National Monument as Model for Landscape-Scale Conservation

Maintaining outdoor traditions, generating local sportsmen support must be key considerations for future national monument proposals, according to national report

Designation of the new, 21,586-acre Browns Canyon National Monument is delivering landscape-scale conservation benefits, continued hunting and angling opportunity, and economic payoffs, said sportsmen-conservation leaders at a gathering of decision-makers and journalists on the Arkansas River over the weekend. Coloradans worked for more than 40 years to permanently conserve and protect the diverse terrain of Browns Canyon, which includes high alpine meadows and lakes, winter range in the pinon-juniper hills, habitat for iconic big game species, and the Arkansas River—one of Colorado’s most popular trout fisheries. The monument was formally designated on Feb. 19, 2015.

“The Arkansas River and Browns Canyon is a story about persistence and working together for the common good,” said Corey Fisher, senior policy director for Trout Unlimited’s Sportsmen’s Conservation Project. “Fixing water quality problems caused by historical mining pollution has taken decades of work and numerous partners, and the same can be said for finally achieving protection for Browns Canyon. Protecting and restoring Colorado’s longest Gold Medal trout fishery has required all of the tools in the tool box, including the Antiquities Act.”

Permanent protection of this area also safeguards the estimated $55 million in recreation spending that boosts central Colorado’s economy each year. “Maintaining public access to one of the most popular and iconic stretches of the Arkansas River is a major benefit for the wellbeing of the upper Arkansas valley communities,” said Bob Hamel, owner of Arkansas River Tours in Cotopaxi and Canon City. “The businesses in this area can now rest assured that Browns Canyon will remain a special place to share with locals and visitors.”

Last weekend’s media event, including speakers, roundtable discussions and field tours, was hosted in Browns Canyon by a coalition of sportsmen’s organizations and businesses that earlier this year released a national report, which lays out a new approach for creating national monuments with hunter and angler support.

“Hunters and anglers have come together in support of leveraging the federal Antiquities Act to permanently conserve landscapes important to fish, wildlife and sportsmen,” said John Gale, conservation director of Backcountry Hunters & Anglers. “Our report outlines a strategy for advancing national monument proposals that can be supported by our constituency. Browns Canyon National Monument, which encompasses wilderness-quality lands and waters that represent some of our most valuable backcountry hunting and angling opportunities, serves as a model for this approach.”

Judicious use of the Antiquities Act can be an effective method for protecting lands and waters of value in lieu of congressional action. It’s a tool that local sportsmen say was necessary to conserve Browns Canyon. “I remember one time we had 900 people show up at a public meeting. Ninety-five percent of them wanted protection for Browns Canyon, but the politics just dragged on and on,” said Bill Dvorak, who owns Dvorak Rafting and Kayaking Expeditions and holds the first outfitter license ever issued by the state of Colorado. “Nobody could get any kind of conservation bill passed, even though this is the most popular whitewater river in Colorado – and not one other protected area in the state has the same diversity of wildlife.”

National Monuments: A Sportsmen’s Perspective” outlines a series of tenets for creating national monuments aligned with the intent of the Antiquities Act. Also featured in the report are profiles of existing national monuments where sportsmen played a key role, including Browns Canyon and Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks National Monument in New Mexico, where the report was officially released in January 2016.

To ensure the success of monuments, while improving highly valued habitat and sportsmen’s access, the 28 sporting groups and businesses backing the report call for local involvement in management decisions, a stakeholder-driven public process, multiple-use management, reasonable public access, state management of fish and wildlife resources and continued hunting and fishing opportunities, among other criteria.

Many national monuments offer world-class hunting and fishing. For that to continue, new proposals need to be locally driven, transparent, incorporate the science-based management and conservation of important fish and wildlife habitat, and uphold hunting and fishing opportunities.

For more information on Browns Canyon and finding common ground on public lands management, read “National Monuments: A Sportsmen’s Perspective.”

Inspired by the legacy of Theodore Roosevelt, the TRCP is a coalition of organizations and grassroots partners working together to preserve the traditions of hunting and fishing.

Header image courtesy of Bob Wick, BLM.

April 27, 2016


News for Immediate Release

Apr. 27, 2016

Contact: Kristyn Brady, 617-501-6352, kbrady@trcp.org

Jewell discussed the power of hunter and angler voices in Washington and her dedication to public lands access and sage-grouse restoration at annual barbecue on the Potomac

WASHINGTON, D.C. —  Last night, at a celebration of her final year in office, Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell thanked American sportsmen and women who speak up for conservation funding, habitat management, and the protection of public lands access. The event was hosted by the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership at the Potomac Boat Club.

After chatting over barbecue and beer with conservation community leaders from across the country, Jewell addressed the crowd and was candid about her remaining goals related to conservation, hunting, fishing, habitat restoration, public lands, and youth and minority engagement.

“We’re going to keep our good momentum going,” said Jewell, who highlighted the landscape-scale conservation effort on behalf of sage grouse and the need to look to the future of the Land and Water Conservation Fund. “Every day is a tricky balance between the here and now—non-renewable resources, fish and wildlife habitat, the livelihoods and heritage of the tribes and ranchers—and what we leave to future generations. People expect us to be in the forever business.”

Jewell also had advice for conservation advocates: “Never stop talking about how much sportsmen and women contribute to the economy. You represent a constituency that is Republican, Democrat, Independent, hunting, fishing, Latino, Caucasian, new generations waiting to get outside, and people like me, who grew up in the outdoors. All these people can help to make progress on the things we care about,” she said.

“We have a great conservation ally in Secretary Jewell, who understands the clout of the outdoor recreation industry and the restorative power of spending time on our nation’s public lands—in solitude or with family and friends,” says Whit Fosburgh, president and CEO of the TRCP. “Throughout her term, she has been a champion for many of the things sportsmen stand for, including better investments in conservation, improving fish and wildlife habitat, balancing multiple uses of America’s public lands, and access for all. We’re anxious to work with her this year and see these priorities through.”

Inspired by the legacy of Theodore Roosevelt, the TRCP is a coalition of organizations and grassroots partners working together to preserve the traditions of hunting and fishing.

April 26, 2016


News for Immediate Release

Apr. 26, 2016

Contact: Kristyn Brady, 617-501-6352, kbrady@trcp.org

Annual report highlights 2015 growth and success in service of guaranteeing all Americans quality places to hunt and fish

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership has released its 2015 Annual Report detailing the group’s diverse array of accomplishments benefiting habitat and sportsmen’s access in the last calendar year. Thanks to its growing coalition of 46 formal partners, 23 corporate affiliates, and thousands of supporters across the U.S., the TRCP has affected positive policy changes and conservation investments in service of Theodore Roosevelt’s legacy and the group’s mission to guarantee all Americans quality places to hunt and fish.

“Too often, people mistake action for accomplishment. Nowhere is this more true than in Washington, where how many meetings you attend is often mistaken for actual success,” writes TRCP President and CEO Whit Fosburgh and Board Chairman Weldon Baird in the opening pages of the report. “For the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership, 2015 was about accomplishment— achieving real results that will directly benefit fish and wildlife habitat and Americans’ access to those lands and waters.”

Despite ongoing threats from well-funded anti-conservation interests, the benefits of last year’s work will extend to marine fisheries in the Gulf of Mexico, greater sage grouse and other sagebrush species of the West, headwater streams and wetlands across the country, and all Americans who rely on public lands for their hunting and fishing access. The 501(c)(3) organization also confirms its accountability to donors by sharing 2015 financials and accolades from charity-watch organizations, including a third four-star rating from Charity Navigator.

Read the 2015 Annual Report here, and see what TRCP is up to right now by visiting our blog.

Inspired by the legacy of Theodore Roosevelt, the TRCP is a coalition of organizations and grassroots partners working together to preserve the traditions of hunting and fishing.

April 20, 2016


News for Immediate Release

Apr. 20, 2016

Contact: Kristyn Brady, 617-501-6352, kbrady@trcp.org

Magnuson-Stevens Act was the first legislation of its kind to manage domestic saltwater fisheries

Washington, D.C. – Tonight, recreational and commercial fishing representatives, members of Congress, and key policy architects gathered on Capitol Hill to recognize the 40th anniversary of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (MSA), a piece of legislation that was first of its kind in establishing a framework for the management of our saltwater fisheries.

“We take many things for granted now that were not the case 40 years ago, when foreign fishing fleets depleted fish stocks just off our coasts,” said Scott Gudes, vice president of government affairs at the American Sportfishing Association. “We owe a debt of gratitude to Sens. Warren Magnuson and Ted Stevens, along with Reps. Gerry Studds and Don Young and their House and Senate colleagues, for their extraordinary leadership in creating this innovative system for managing our marine fisheries for the public good.”

On April 13, 1976, not long after the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) was created, President Gerald Ford signed the “Fishery Conservation and Management Act,” which set into motion internationally recognized territorial boundaries that are now known as the “exclusive economic zone” between 12 and 200 miles off the coast. Touted as one of the Act’s most significant successes, the “200-mile limit” eliminated foreign fleets from fishing near shore, ensuring that United States resources benefited its citizens and industries. It also established eight regional fisheries management councils still in place today. Since that time, the Act has undergone six amendments, primarily to address sustainable catch limits and rebuild timelines for fish stocks.

“Sen. Magnuson was dedicated to addressing the situation and championed the Fishery Conservation and Management Act of 1976, which will always be linked to him. He was proud of this legislation and said it was one of the most important pieces of legislation passed by Congress,” said former Rep. Norm Dicks (D-Wash.), who served as Sen. Magnuson’s Chief of Staff. “Being from Washington state, with our substantial fisheries, we were on the front lines seeing foreign fleets deplete our fishery resources.”

In December 1980, Stevens authored the amendment to rename the Act after Warren Magnuson. The name “Stevens” was added to the title through the 1997 Commerce Appropriations Act.

Tonight’s anniversary event was attended by several hundred guests from Congressional offices, representing coastal and non-coastal states, and a myriad of other organizations, pointing to the significance of well-managed ocean fisheries and the legislative groundwork laid by the United States at a time when stewardship of fisheries resources was a new frontier for nations the world over.

“It is an honor to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Magnuson Stevens Act. Alaska’s people, economy, and culture have a unique and strong tie to fisheries,” said Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), who addressed the D.C. crowd. “The framework put into place by Senator Magnuson and my dear friend, mentor, and fellow Alaskan, Sen. Ted Stevens, has allowed for sustainable management and meaningful stakeholder input. I am proud to continue to uphold the values put into place by Sen. Magnuson and Sen. Stevens.”

“The United States is, and has been, a global leader in responsibly and sustainably managing our nation’s fisheries. Overfishing is at an all-time low, while commercial and recreational fishing contribute billions to the U.S. economy and support millions of jobs,” said Dr. Kathryn Sullivan, NOAA Administrator and Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere. “This work hasn’t been done alone. For decades, NOAA has worked hand-in-hand with Regional Fishery Management Councils, the industry and other stakeholders to invest in science-based management and sustainable fishing practices that benefit businesses and communities. We’ve had tremendous successes over the past 40 years since the Magnuson-Stevens Fisheries Conservation and Management Act was signed into law, but we know there’s still work to be done. We have a lot to celebrate and, working together, can continue to build off our successes.”

Rep. Don Young (R-Alaska) and Ed Merlis, a former staff director of the Senate Commerce committee who served under Magnuson on the Appropriations Committee, also spoke at the event co-hosted by Murkowski, Young, Sen. Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska), Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.), Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.), and Rep. Jared Huffman (D-Calif.)

“Tonight, we celebrate the foresight of Sens. Magnuson and Stevens,” says Whit Fosburgh, president and CEO of the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership, one of the 14 groups sponsoring the event. “Thanks to their leadership and commitment to conservation, America has the best-managed fisheries in the world, thousands of jobs in the recreational and commercial fishing industries, affordable seafood for consumers, and the opportunity for our kids and grandkids to experience the joy of landing a salmon or a grouper. And while the law could benefit from important updates to recognize the growth in recreational angling in the last 40 years, it’s important to celebrate how far we’ve come.”

Here’s what other event sponsors had to say:

“Without the Magnuson-Stevens Fisheries Conservation and Management Act, fisheries in Alaska might still be subject to rampant over-exploitation at the hands of foreign fleets. The extension of U.S. jurisdiction out to 200 miles paved the way for the successful development of the domestic fleet and today supports a multi-billion dollar industry.”
– Mark Gleason, Executive Director, Alaska Bering Sea Crabbers

“Marine fisheries management was forever changed by the Magnuson-Stevens Fisheries Conservation and Management Act (MSA). With the MSA reauthorization now upon us, Congress must better recognize the economic, social and conservation impacts of marine recreational fishing. America’s 11 million saltwater anglers sustain a $70 billion-a-year business that supports 455,000 American jobs.”
– Jeff Angers, President, Center for Coastal Conservation

“The Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act has played a critical role in supporting Sen. Stevens’ vision of promoting local economies throughout Western Alaska. This important law benefits every one of the nearly ten thousand Alaskans we serve across our twenty coastal communities. Coastal Villages thanks our leaders in Congress who continue Sen. Stevens’ work promoting the benefits of sustainable fisheries. We are honored to recognize the legacy of “Uncle Ted” and the law that bears his name.”
– Morgen Crow, Executive Director, Coastal Villages Region Fund

“The Magnuson-Stevens Fisheries Conservation and Management Act (MSA) is recognized globally as the gold standard in sustainable fisheries management. It addresses not simply the status of the stocks but the impact of their health has on communities and the economy. In addition to science-based success, MSA stands as clear evidence that a holistic approach is the soundest way to manage fisheries.”
– John Connelly, President, National Fisheries Institute

“The National Marine Manufacturers Association is pleased to recognize the 40th anniversary of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act. This legislation continues to play an important role in helping to ensure that anglers and boaters across the country can enjoy time on some of our country’s most valuable natural resources, its waterways. We support our friends in the recreational fishing community as they work to see this legislation continue to evolve to meet the needs of society and fisheries. Reasonable conservation and management practices are what continue to keep the sportfishing and boating industries viable for generations to come. With this anniversary, we recognize a history of success and look forward to decades of fruitful fishing and boating seasons led by the sound practices this law initiated.”
– Thom Dammrich, President, National Marine Manufacturers Association

“For participants in the commercial fisheries of the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea, the Magnuson-Stevens Fisheries Conservation and Management Act was a total game-changer. It allowed American harvesters and processors to develop fisheries that provide jobs for tens of thousands of people and which feed millions more. We will forever be indebted to Sens. Magnuson, Stevens and Representative Young. We also want to thank the current political leaders who have continued the work that was begun forty years ago.”
– Glenn E. Reed, President, Pacific Seafood Processors Association

“The Recreational Fishing Association is very proud to be part of this historic recognition of the “200 Mile Limit.” The Magnuson-Steven Fisheries Conservation and Management Act was enormous for those of us who fished professionally at the time and without it, most of our fisheries would have be depleted in a short time by other nations who were fishing in sight of our shoreline.”
– Jim, Donofrio, Executive Director, Recreational Fishing Association

“The Magnuson-Stevens Fisheries Conservation and Management Act has been the driving force in the development of our domestic federal fisheries. Four decades ago, we watched as Japanese, Russian, Korean, Polish and other nations’ fishing and processing vessels were harvesting more than a billion pounds of fish annually, within miles of our shores, without regard to the health of the resource. Within 15 years the same resource was being harvested exclusively by U.S. fishing vessels and supported by a robust onshore processing industry. Our industry is both strong and sustainable because of the decision in 1976 by the Congress to unilaterally assert sovereign jurisdiction out to 200 miles.”
– Joe Plesha, Vice  President, Trident Seafoods

“The Magnuson-Stevens Fisheries Conservation and Management Act’s (MSA) success and world renowned fisheries management in the United States is based on its regional and bottom-up approach, which ensures that the knowledge and concerns of the users and other stakeholders are incorporated into conservation and management measures. This not only facilitates enforcement and reporting of catches, but it is the core to American democracy, ensuring that its citizens are not overburdened with unnecessary regulations and that the government is of, by and for the people. In the reauthorizations of the MSA, the Western Pacific Region was fortunate to have Sens. Ted Stevens and Daniel Inouye in office to champion the inclusion of tuna, the recognition of indigenous U.S. Pacific Island fishing communities and the participation of the Pacific and Western Pacific Fishery Management Councils in international fishery management commissions. Tuna accounts for about 90 percent of the value of fish landed in the U.S. Pacific Islands. From its start, 40 years ago, I loved the MSA. As I look back, I see our actions in the Western Pacific Region have been so conservative. This reflects the traditional values of the indigenous U.S. Pacific Islanders to consider future generations and to respect nature and our place in it.”
– Kitty M. Simonds, Executive Director, Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council

“The Magnuson-Stevens Fisheries Conservation and Management Act has helped to protect our valuable public resources for the past 40 years. Yamaha is proud to be a part of celebrating the forward thinking legislation and those who fought for its passage. We are equally proud to be a part of refining the law as Congress considers its reauthorization. We hope to work with all the stakeholders of the public resource in the process.”
– Martin Peters, Manager, Government Relations, Yamaha Motor Corporation

Inspired by the legacy of Theodore Roosevelt, the TRCP is a coalition of organizations and grassroots partners working together to preserve the traditions of hunting and fishing.


News for Immediate Release

Apr. 20, 2016

Contact: Kristyn Brady, 617-501-6352, kbrady@trcp.org

Sportsmen have been fighting for years to move these conservation priorities across the finish line

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Senate has just passed a comprehensive energy reform bill that includes key conservation provisions to benefit fish, wildlife, and sportsmen’s access. This is a true bipartisan achievement that highlights our uniquely American conservation values.

“Sportsmen’s groups, including the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership and virtually all of our partners, have been working for years to pass comprehensive legislation that enhances access and conserves vital habitat,” says Whit Fosburgh, president and CEO of the TRCP. “This bill succeeds on both measures, and hunters and anglers should applaud its passage as an indication that enthusiasm for conservation is very much alive in Washington.”

“The Energy Policy Modernization Act of 2015” would permanently reauthorize the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF), a critical program for enhancing public access to the outdoors. It also includes a provision known as “Making Public Lands Public,” which specifies that 1.5 percent of LWCF dollars are to be used to establish and expand recreational access to national public lands, in particular.

“Permanent reauthorization of the Land and Water Conservation Fund means we never again have to experience uncertainty for the program,” says Bethany Erb, a Mule Deer Foundation board member. “Over the past 50 years, the LWCF has enhanced public access for hunters and urban families alike, and the ‘Making Public Lands Public’ provision would ensure that improvements for outdoor recreation—a robust driver of spending—are adequately funded.”

This is the first energy reform legislation passed in the upper chamber in nine years—a feat in itself—but hunters and anglers are especially pleased to see that many elements of the Bipartisan Sportsmen’s Act of 2015 (S.405) have finally found a way forward through an amendment offered by Senators Lisa Murkowksi (R-Alaska) and Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.) It passed 97-0 yesterday.

The amendment permanently reauthorizes the Federal Land Transaction Facilitation Act, “a critical conservation tool for Western lands,” says Larry Selzer, president and CEO of The Conservation Fund. “We applaud this bipartisan action to advance the permanent authorization of FLTFA, which uses proceeds from strategic federal land sales to protect high priority federal conservation areas that preserve important fish and wildlife habitat, increase recreational opportunities, and protect our nation’s special places.” Prior to its expiration in 2011, FLTFA leveraged strategic federal land sales to fund 39 priority conservation projects, including many that expanded sportsmen’s access to world-class hunting and fishing opportunities.

The amendment also reauthorizes the North American Wetlands Conservation Act (NAWCA), a grant program through which each federal dollar invested is matched an average of three times over by non-federal dollars. “These investments have major on-the-ground impacts for the management and conservation of wetlands for waterfowl and other wildlife,” says John Devney, vice president of U.S. policy for Delta Waterfowl. “In the prairie potholes region, for example, NAWCA dollars could mean the difference between the protection of grasslands and wetlands and the disappearance of key breeding habitats in the Duck Factory.”

Recreational anglers would also get a boost from the amendment, which authorizes the National Fish Habitat Conservation Act. The program was created to foster partnerships that improve conditions for fish species and enhance recreational fishing opportunities. “The National Fish Habitat Conservation Act brings together state and federal agencies as well as conservation organizations to better coordinate watershed restoration activities,” says Steve Moyer, vice president for government affairs at Trout Unlimited. “It’s really just a commonsense approach to restore and protect fish habitat, that also creates great opportunities for the angling community. We’re thrilled to see it be approved by the Senate.”

The energy reform package must now be reconciled with the House bill (H.R. 8), which was passed in December 2015, and sent to the president’s desk before the end of this Congress.

Inspired by the legacy of Theodore Roosevelt, the TRCP is a coalition of organizations and grassroots partners working together to preserve the traditions of hunting and fishing.


TRCP has partnered with Afuera Coffee Co. to further our commitment to conservation. $4 from each bag is donated to the TRCP, to help continue our efforts of safeguarding critical habitats, productive hunting grounds, and favorite fishing holes for future generations.

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