January 25, 2023
Conservation Safeguards Restored in Southeast Alaska
TRCP commends the reinstatement of conservation measures on the Tongass, America’s largest national forest.
January 12, 2022
Here’s How Sitka Black-tailed Deer—and Hunters—Benefit from the Roadless Rule
Reinstating these foundational safeguards to 9 million acres of undeveloped forests in Southeast Alaska supports critical winter range and deer hunting opportunities.
January 5, 2022
In The Arena: Bjorn Dihle
Meet a born-and-raised Southeast Alaskan who is speaking up for the future of the Tongass National Forest's wild places.
November 19, 2021
Hunters and Anglers Welcome New Direction for the Tongass
USDA announces 60-day comment period for proposed restoration of conservation safeguards and new investments in Southeast Alaska.
July 15, 2021
TRCP Applauds New Path Forward for the Tongass
USDA to restore conservation safeguards and invest in sustainable economic development in Southeast Alaska.
June 11, 2021
TRCP Applauds USDA Tongass Announcement
First step toward restoring safeguards to roadless areas in Alaska’s Tongass National Forest.
October 29, 2020
Major Conservation Rollbacks Finalized in Alaska Despite Opposition from Hunters and Anglers
Decision to fully repeal the Roadless Rule on the Tongass National Forest opens 9.2 million acres of public lands to development.
September 25, 2020
TRCP Opposes Removing Conservation Safeguards in Tongass National Forest
Dramatic policy shift for the Tongass National Forest would open 9.2 million acres of roadless public lands in Alaska to development.
June 5, 2020
Public Wants to Maintain Safeguards in Nation’s Largest National Forest
Comments received by the Forest Service show a powerful public consensus in direct opposition to the proposal to roll back conservation measures in the Tongass.
October 15, 2019
Proposed Rule Would Roll Back Conservation in the Tongass National Forest
The draft Alaska Roadless Rule undermines collaboration and creates long-term uncertainty.
TRCP has partnered with Afuera Coffee Co. to further our commitment to conservation. $4 from each bag is donated to the TRCP, to help continue our efforts of safeguarding critical habitats, productive hunting grounds, and favorite fishing holes for future generations.
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