PA stream backlog video screenshot 2024-03-04
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In this short video, we demystify a crucial Farm Bill conservation program, the Agricultural Conservation Easement Program (ACEP), and shed light on its benefits to hunters and anglers.
This program helps to protect wetlands, grasslands, and working farms and ranches through conservation easements.
ACEP easements keep working lands working, ensuring farms and ranches in key areas are not developed or subdivided and maintaining their value for wildlife. By protecting and enhancing wetlands, ACEP easements not only provide prime habitat for waterfowl and other important species, but also sequester carbon, improve water quality, mitigates impacts of flooding, and maintain surface water during dry spells.
The Farm Bill is the largest piece of conservation legislation that will come before the 118th Congress. You can help ensure that habitat and wildlife remain central to sensible farm policy in the United States here
Learn more about Farm Bill Conservation Programs here
The BLM’s final plan secures safeguards for over 400,000 acres of backcountry
Today, the Bureau of Land Management officially announced the release of the Record of Decision for the Southeast Oregon Resource Management Plan Amendment, marking a pivotal moment for conservation in Oregon. This final plan, set to guide land management across more than 4.6 million acres of an iconic Oregon landscape, strikes a thoughtful balance between habitat conservation, outdoor recreation, grazing, and development.
This significant milestone represents the culmination of over 20 years of dedicated planning and collaborative stakeholder engagement. The Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership joins hunters and anglers in celebrating the 420,000 acres within the plan’s jurisdiction that will now be managed to maintain their wild, backcountry character.
“Today’s announcement is a testament to the power of collaborative and persistent stakeholder engagement with a shared commitment to conserving our state’s wild and diverse landscapes,” said Tristan Henry, Oregon field representative for Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership. “We are particularly proud of our role in shaping a management strategy that recognizes the importance of these lands for wildlife habitat and outdoor recreation, including hunting and fishing.”
The finalized plan reflects the recommendations of the Southeast Oregon Resource Advisory Council, a diverse group of stakeholders—including hunters, anglers, and ranchers—who have provided invaluable insights throughout the planning process.
“To help guide the development of this plan, a broad-based BLM resource advisory council, made up of 15 appointed individuals, rolled up their sleeves to create a well-rounded alternative within the Southeast Oregon RMP amendment,” said Michael O’Casey, deputy director of forest policy and northwest programs for the TRCP and a current Southeast Oregon RAC member. “We are thrilled to see the BLM utilize many of the recommendations provided by the RAC to conserve special places from development, while providing for public access, habitat restoration, and ranching to continue.”
The ROD emphasizes the significance of the Owyhee and Malheur River regions as vital habitats for wildlife and as premier destinations for outdoor enthusiasts. By prioritizing conservation and balanced land use, the BLM’s plan ensures that these areas will continue to support Oregon’s rich traditions of fish-and-wildlife-based economy, which is integral to the state’s $2.5 billion outdoor recreation industry.
The conservation community and outdoor recreation advocates have long championed a balanced approach to land management that safeguards wildlife habitat while allowing for sustainable use. The TRCP, Backcountry Hunters & Anglers, Oregon Hunters Association, Trout Unlimited, and members of the Owyhee Sportsmen’s Coalition have been instrumental in advocating for these principles throughout the planning process.
“We applaud the BLM’s foresight in preserving the vitality of the Owyhee and Malheur regions. This plan is a testament to the power of collaboration and dedication of organizations and individuals who stand for balanced land use,” affirmed Chris Hagar, northwest coordinator for Backcountry Hunters & Anglers. “It’s a significant step forward in ensuring our public lands continue to flourish for future generations of Oregonians and wildlife alike.”
The TRCP and the Owyhee Sportsmen look forward to continued collaboration with the BLM, state officials, and all stakeholders to implement this plan and further the legacy of conservation, restoration, and stewardship for future generations.
Photo Credit: Brian Grossenbacher
In this short video, we demystify a crucial Farm Bill conservation program, the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP), and shed light on its benefits to hunters and anglers.
EQIP is a voluntary conservation program that allows farmers, ranchers, and forest landowners to enhance water quality, strengthen wildlife habitat, and reduce soil erosion and sedimentation.
The benefits of EQIP for fish, wildlife and agriculture are significant.
The Farm Bill is the largest piece of conservation legislation that will come before the 118th Congress. You can help ensure that habitat and wildlife remain central to sensible farm policy in the United States here
Learn more about Farm Bill Conservation Programs here
TRCP, partners, and hunters & anglers applaud bill introduction
Hunters and anglers have been working to prevent the sale of important public lands for years, and the recently introduced Public Lands in Public Hands Act would maintain valuable hunting and fishing access for sportsmen and women. This bipartisan legislation, introduced by Representatives Ryan Zinke (R-Mont.) and Gabe Vasquez (D-N.M.) would require congressional approval for the sale and transfer of public lands to non-federal entities in most instances. The biggest impact of the bill would be to prevent the Bureau of Land Management from selling important access parcels as part of its land disposal process.
What is the BLM Land Disposal Process?
The BLM is the nation’s largest landowner. The agency administers 245 million acres of federal public land primarily in 11 western states and Alaska. Currently, the Federal Land Policy and Management Act—federal law governing the management of BLM lands—directs the agency to identify lands for potential disposal, including sale, and the agency has been completing land use plans with land disposal lists for the past 45 years. While a comprehensive list of lands available for potential disposal does not appear to exist, estimates put the total at around 3.3 million acres.
When the BLM identifies lands for potential disposal, existing statute does not require the BLM to prioritize retention of parcels with public access. TRCP has analyzed several land use plans and identified numerous accessible and important public land parcels tagged by the BLM for potential sale across the West. The sale of such parcels could result in lost honey holes for hunters and anglers, and we agree that additional scrutiny is needed.
The law governing how the BLM completes land disposals was passed in 1976 and predates the advent of handheld GPS units that are now utilized by millions of outdoor recreationists to navigate property boundaries with confidence. It’s easy to see how small parcels in the past may have been viewed as low value for public access because they were difficult to locate and use. But in today’s world where private-land access is becoming increasingly difficult to obtain, small, isolated parcels of BLM land have become some of the most important for recreational access.
A Practical Safeguard
To keep these important parcels in public ownership, the Public Lands in Public Hands Act would require congressional approval for the sale of land-accessible parcels 300 acres or larger and water-accessible parcels five acres or larger. Presently, such parcels can be sold without consent from Congress. Some people believe that the BLM should lose their authority to sell any land, and while it is easy to reach that conclusion at first glance, there are several things to consider:
TRCP is excited about the Public Lands in Public Hands Act because of the added certainty it would provide to ensure that your favorite hunting or fishing spot would not be sold and closed to public access. We appreciate the leadership of Representatives Zinke and Vasquez in introducing this legislation, and we look forward to working with them to see the bill passed into law.
Learn more about TRCP’s work to expand public hunting and fishing access HERE.
TRCP has partnered with Afuera Coffee Co. to further our commitment to conservation. $4 from each bag is donated to the TRCP, to help continue our efforts of safeguarding critical habitats, productive hunting grounds, and favorite fishing holes for future generations.
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