December 12, 2013
Big Swordfish, Tiny Boat
Here’s a fascinating fish story that’s clearly a case of don’t try this at your home port, but appreciate the skill involved. Three anglers went about 18 miles...
December 4, 2013
Coming to Justice
A couple of years ago, I wrote about four Maryland commercial netters – or should I say “poachers” – who were linked to illegally setting gill nets to...
November 21, 2013
The Great Conspiracy
In last week’s blog, as well as previous blogs, I have mentioned “The Great Conspiracy.” What finally dawned on me is that I have not really addressed what I...
November 20, 2013
Wind Power: Coming to a Coast Near You
Despite what the skeptics say, offshore wind power could be good for saltwater anglers Depending on who you talk to, offshore...
November 14, 2013
Past votes won’t assure the river herring’s future Yes, in my last blog, I said that this week I’d address some of the misconceptions on slot limits and gamefish...
November 12, 2013
Looking Back
Recently, I had the opportunity and privilege to attend the annual induction ceremony for the International Game Fish Association Hall of Fame. I am ashamed to say that I have...
November 8, 2013
Hackles Raised Over Gill Netting in Florida
After an all-out gill net assault on Florida’s mullet population, order has been restored. My blog last week told how a circuit court judge in Florida’s Panhandle ruled that...
November 4, 2013
Fishing and Fun Mix with Forums at the TRCP Saltwater Media Summit in Islamorada
“To capture the fish is not all of the fishing.” – Zane Grey, Tales of Fishes Fishing is so much more than just catching fish. It’s also about the...
Everglades National Park Back in Business
The end of the federal government shutdown was especially good news for guides who fish in Everglades National Park. For the first time in more than two weeks, they...
October 29, 2013
Keys Fishing Has Character
I couldn’t have asked for a better guide. From his well-worn, cut-off sun shirt to the way he used his teeth to nip off the heads of the squirming...
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