Biden Administration Rule Finalized
After a public process, the EPA under President Biden finalized a new rule that formally restores federal Clean Water Act protections for intermittent headwater streams and non-floodplain wetlands, like...
After a public process, the EPA under President Biden finalized a new rule that formally restores federal Clean Water Act protections for intermittent headwater streams and non-floodplain wetlands, like...
In June, the Biden Administration’s Environmental Protection Agency and Army Corps of Engineers committed to repealing and replacing the “Waters of the U.S.” rule that defines which waters and...
In fulfillment of an executive order concerned primarily with pipeline permitting—which includes just a fraction of all the federal permits for which states provide conditions to protect their waters—the...
The EPA and Corps issue the “Navigable Waters Protection Rule,” which removes Clean Water Act protections from more than 18% of the nation’s streams and 50% of our remaining...
As a result of direction in a 2017 Executive Order, the EPA and Corps repeal the 2015 Clean Water Rule.
The EPA and Corps issue the Clean Water Rule clarifying coverage for most streams and wetlands and expanding the scope of the Clean Water Act by approximately 3%. Though...
In response to the 2006 Court decision, the EPA and Corps issue guidance defining Clean Water Act jurisdiction. Fewer than 5% of previously covered waters lose protection.
In a case involving a mall developer who filled in a wetland without a permit, the U.S. Supreme Court rules that the federal agencies’ jurisdictional rules went too far,...
In a case involving the development of a Chicago-area landfill, the U.S. Supreme Court rules that Clean Water Act jurisdiction did not extend to isolated, non-navigable constructed ponds. In...
In a case involving a housing developer in Michigan, the U.S. Supreme Court rules that Clean Water Act jurisdiction extends to wetlands adjacent to navigable waters for the first...
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