December 11, 2024
In The Arena: Ed Contreras
Ed Contreras is a biologist, hunter, angler, and occasionally a cowboy who takes inspiration from living in the West and his family's humble roots of living close to the...
October 9, 2024
In the Arena: Alex Harvey
Alex Harvey, founder of Legacy Land Management, is a registered professional forester in Mississippi and Alabama with a Master's degree in forestry from the Pennsylvania State University as well...
November 30, 2016
When One Program Opens Access and Improves Habitat, Everyone Wins
We dig into the across-the-board benefits of a key Farm Bill conservation program on private lands.
November 10, 2016
In a Divided Nation, This Conservation Program Connects Sportsmen to Critical Access on Private Lands
The story of an important conservation program, one that helps to supply critical public access in states with mostly private land, started right here at the TRCP.
October 18, 2016
A Private-Land Pronghorn Hunt Built on Stewardship, Trust, and a Budding Bromance
Getting permission to hunt private lands can be a win-win situation for you and a conservation-minded landowner.
February 4, 2016
Homegrown Sportsmen’s Pride in Kentucky
What we learned from Louisville locals at last week’s Deer & Turkey Expo Everyone likes a day out of the office, but we really cherish opportunities to be in...
August 17, 2015
USDA’s Big (Ahem, $20M) Investment in Wildlife Habitat and Public Access
Today, the U.S. Department of Agriculture started the week on a high note by announcing its $20-million dollar investment in giving you better access to hunting and fishing. Agriculture...
December 17, 2014
Private Lands Primer: A SAFE place for wildlife
Just before Thanksgiving, the U.S. Department of Agriculture quietly announced an additional 86,000 SAFE acres across seven states: Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota. These acres...
July 9, 2013
Farmers and Fishermen to Switch Places for Conservation Exchange
Why would a South Dakota farmer want to trade places with a Louisiana Gulf fisherman? The TRCP launched an exchange program this summer to answer that question and seek...
July 6, 2013
Meet Dawn and Patrick Scheier
DAWN & PATRICK SCHEIER (Pronunciation note: Scheier rhymes with tire.) Scheier Farms: Near Salem, SD Row Crops: Corn & Soybeans Acreage: 1,600; also farm with brother for a total...
TRCP has partnered with Afuera Coffee Co. to further our commitment to conservation. $4 from each bag is donated to the TRCP, to help continue our efforts of safeguarding critical habitats, productive hunting grounds, and favorite fishing holes for future generations.
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