November 4, 2013
After Shutdown, the Stakes are High for Hunters and Anglers
October was hardly Washington’s finest month. A government shutdown that served no purpose and cost Americans more than $20 billion. Hunters and anglers denied access to national wildlife refuges...
September 9, 2013
Video: Driftless Areas and the Farm Bill
Steven Rinella, host of the hit TV show “MeatEater” discusses the importance of private lands conservation programs in the Farm Bill and their role in ensuring hunting and fishing...
March 15, 2013
Video: Future of the Farm Bill
Ducks Unlimited’s governmental affairs staff sit down to discuss the future of the Farm Bill with Rep. Kristi Noem (SD) and Rep. Tim Walz (MN). Watch the video below...
January 15, 2013
Big Changes on the Prairie
The majority of South Dakota lies covered in snow these days – welcome precipitation for a state that has been locked in a drought for more than a year....
November 19, 2012
Federal Farm Policy Writing Script for New Dust Bowl
Ken Burns new documentary, “The Dust Bowl,” depicts a full-blown ecological disaster, the likes of which never had been seen in America. The dust storms that swept across Oklahoma,...
September 12, 2012
Take Action: Sportsmen Need a Farm Bill Now
Despite its name, the Farm Bill isn’t just for farmers; the legislation benefits Americans of all stripes, including sportsmen like you. The conservation title of the Farm Bill directs...
September 11, 2012
Corn, Sunflowers and Power Lines: Making a Case for Federal Appropriations During Dove Season
This time of year always reminds me of corn, sunflowers, soybeans and power lines. Dove season is upon us. For wingshooters across the country, early September dove hunts represent...
July 10, 2012
Sportsmen and the Farm Bill: A Match Made in Heaven
Not long ago, I was graphically reminded of the critical importance of the Farm Bill to conservation of privately owned lands in the American West. A map of our...
TRCP has partnered with Afuera Coffee Co. to further our commitment to conservation. $4 from each bag is donated to the TRCP, to help continue our efforts of safeguarding critical habitats, productive hunting grounds, and favorite fishing holes for future generations.
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