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Tell your Senator that sportsmen, farmers, and rural communities need strong conservation funding in the next Farm Bill.
After decades of systematic budget cuts for the agencies that carry out conservation across the country, America cannot afford more cuts to conservation spending. But without your support, Congress could shrink the single largest source of conservation funding in the next Farm Bill.
Farm Bill conservation funding boosts habitat and water quality by supporting our nation’s farmers, who implement resource-conserving practices on their lands. Combined with public access incentives and wetland protections, these conservation practices create major benefits for fish, wildlife, and sportsmen and women. These same programs have become reliable resources for farmers and ranchers facing a crisis as commodity prices continue to trend downward.
The habitat and access created with Farm Bill dollars helps drive the $63-billion hunting and fishing industry that supports thousands of jobs across rural America. Further cuts to conservation would not only reduce habitat and access across the country, they would also hurt the rural economies that rely upon the revenue and tax dollars generated by hunters and anglers each year.
Take action now and urge Senators to support strong conservation funding in the next Farm Bill. Use our Twitter action tool below to select a lawmaker and message of support for a Farm Bill that fully funds conservation, boosts habitat and access, improves water quality, and defends our wetlands.