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September 19, 2024

Clara Hunter

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Reflections on Salmonflies, Big Trout, and Winter Range

The author, TRCP’s Western conservation communications manager, remembers how a day of good Spring fishing can reveal the importance of intact habitats and healthy winter range for big game

Salmonflies, big as hummingbirds, flew so close to my head my first reaction was to duck. Alders shook in the breeze that carried the massive stoneflies out over the river, and flycatchers and robins did their best imitations of peregrine falcons as they launched after the orange T-bone steaks. Trout, braving the surface for meals equal to a thousand trico mayflies, gulped and slapped the bugs with such intensity any angler might honestly think a child was throwing rocks into the current. This was a good time to be in the Lolo National Forest, an opportunity my buddy James and I wouldn’t miss.

Still needing to cling to the streamside willows, I worked my way from eddy to eddy where rocks interrupted the flow. My size 10 skinny salmonfly buoyed a size 10 black stonefly pattern that probed below. The first fish was a foot-long rainbow on the edge of a glide. She must’ve known her cousins just to the west in Idaho make annual trips to the sea and she was inspired by them. Going airborne and catching the current twice, the trout fought above her weight class, and I thanked her as she kicked back into the shallows after I freed the hook.

The T-bone steak of the dry fly world: the salmonfly.

The Lolo National Forest stretches across 2 million acres of western Montana. This landscape offers vital habitat for elk, mule deer, bighorn sheep, and moose, and invaluable, intact cold-water systems home to native fish like bull trout and Westslope cutthroat as well as wild rainbow, brown, and brook trout. These millions of acres support innumerable recreation and commercial opportunities that provide thousands of jobs in local communities.

As with all National Forests, land management plans must be updated periodically, and the Lolo’s has not been revised in over two decades. In that time, new challenges have arisen that must be addressed, including increased outdoor recreation, the growing presence of noxious weeds, and the impacts of decades of fire suppression combined with hotter, drier weather. And with burgeoning exurban development, winter and transitional ranges for elk and deer continue to fragment on neighboring private lands.

A mature brown trout released back into the cold waters of the Lolo National Forest.

The brown missed the nymph on my first float. I could see the fish turn, but when I lifted the rod there was nothing. I bit the inside of my cheek and told myself to wait. The flies smacked the rock and began their second drift. I saw the trout come unstuck again, and when the top fly disappeared, I was connected.

Then I ran downstream.

The brute rode the swift water down. I tried to turn the brown and grinned at myself for foolishly not using 3x. The fish worked below me, but made a poor choice to head back upstream, fighting both the current and me. James netted the exhausted trout, and we admired the golden sides void of talon marks and a mouth uncut by tippet or hooks. An unlikely, unscathed mature fish returned to the river.

As we climbed the bank to continue to the next run, we saw the old scat of wintering elk, pellets a chalky brown under the ponderosa pines. A few of their tracks were still caught in the path where mud dried a month or more ago. Their presence a reminder that our feet could carry us from the river to the peaks of the Bob Marshall Wilderness, all on contiguous public land.

A top priority for TRCP is to ensure the Lolo recognizes that in the decades since the existing forest plans were finalized, several important big game migrations and winter ranges for elk, mule deer, and bighorn sheep in western Montana have been identified.

The Lolo is currently in the process of updating its land use plan, and engaged hunters and anglers will have upcoming opportunities this year to speak up for a successful planning outcome that conserves important big game and fisheries habitats and maintains special places for outdoor recreation. A top priority for TRCP is to ensure the Lolo recognizes that in the decades since the existing forest plans were finalized, several important big game migrations and winter ranges for elk, mule deer, and bighorn sheep in western Montana have been identified.

Over 2,000 elk roam the Blackfoot and Clearwater watersheds. These herds mostly calve and spend their summers in the Bob Marshall and Scapegoat Wilderness areas at the northernmost reaches of the Lolo. As winter dumps feet of snow in the high meadows, the elk drop down onto private, state, and Bureau of Land Management land along the rivers. 

The Forest Service must incorporate the latest science, utilize the best-available conservation tools, and prioritize coordination with other stakeholders to safeguard big game corridors and winter range as the agency initiates the forest plan revision process for these public lands.

Winter range in the Lolo National Forest.

The day turned to evening and we made our way back to the vehicle. Drained from fighting the water and cobble, we trudged toward the fantasy of pizza and burgers once we made it back to town.

Then the pool came into view.

The current hugged the large bolder like an old friend. It was a place that a trout would feel safe and happy: depth, a bubble line buffet, and the barrier of a rock field to keep most anglers away.

But we braved the rock field and James worked the bubble line until his salmonfly was pulled under by the great-grandma of the rainbow I caught earlier. Rod doubled over, he climbed the rock over and back as the trout couldn’t decide which way to run. Finally, she settled in the shallows, and I returned the favor of netting the fish for my friend. Already recovered from the spawn, the fish was strong and turning silver, with a pink cheek clinging to the spring cold.

Swallows had filled the air, chasing a hatch of mayflies upstream. Beyond them were grassy parks that in the evening would welcome mule deer and elk, all of them feeding and moving higher.

Photos courtesy of James Wicks


Sign up HERE to receive updates on the Lolo National Forest planning process and ensure hunter and angler priorities are voiced.

The TRCP is your resource for all things conservation. In our weekly Roosevelt Report, you’ll receive the latest news on emerging habitat threats, legislation and proposals on the move, public land access solutions we’re spearheading, and opportunities for hunters and anglers to take action. Sign up now.


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September 17, 2024

Sporting Groups Unite Around Policy Recommendations to Strengthen Wetlands Conservation Efforts

Conserving wetlands and streams is critical to the hunting and angling community.

Today, the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership, along with valued partners representing sporting and conservation interests released its Sporting Community Wetland and Stream Platform which outlines several policy recommendations seeking to strengthen federal wetland conservation efforts.  

Conserving wetlands and streams is critical to the hunting and angling community. Wetlands and streams provide crucial public benefits, including supporting fish and wildlife habitat, helping to recharge water supplies, reducing flood impacts, and enhancing water quality.  Yet, wetlands and streams are at risk more than ever. The most recent U.S. Fish and Wildlife Wetlands Status and Trends Report finds that more than half of wetlands in the lower 48 states are gone, and loss rates have increased by 50 percent since 2009. Additionally, the recent loss of federal protections for many wetlands and streams has made it much more difficult for federal agencies to safeguard some of our most vulnerable waters from pollution and destruction. Without additional conservation actions to protect these ecosystems, wetland loss will likely continue, reducing ecosystem benefits for people and habitat for fish and wildlife.  

These waters provide habitat for more than half of North American waterfowl, critical spawning grounds for salmon and trout, and drinking water for millions of people.   

Given these challenges, the sporting and conservation community acknowledges that lifting up federal and state wetland and stream conservation efforts will be important. Our platform includes recommendations for action by both Congress and federal agencies. “With these recommendations, we intend to unite and amplify the voices of hunters, anglers, and conservationists whose outdoor traditions depend on conserving wetlands and streams,” said Alex Funk, Director of Water Resources at the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership. “TRCP is eager to work with partners to advance these recommendations while working to secure long-term protections for our country’s wetlands and streams. 

“Conservation and restoration of wetlands and tributary streams are essential to securing safe drinking water for all Americans, fighting the climate crisis, and providing essential habitat for fish and wildlife,” said Jared Mott, Conservation Director of Izaak Walton League of America. “These recommendations are a helpful roadmap for limiting alarming declines in the number and productivity of these ecosystems in the face of the elimination of longstanding Clean Water Act protections. The League is proud to collaborate with our partners and announce these proactive steps we must take to save the nation’s wetlands and waterways and ensure a future with clean water.” 


Photo Credit: Christian Fritschi 

“Hunters and anglers understand that wildlife rely on healthy, abundant water bodies. Last year, the Supreme Court unwisely removed longstanding protections for many streams, wetlands and floodplains – leaving them vulnerable to pollution and destruction,” said Glenn Watkins, Senior Policy Specialist of Water Resources at National Wildlife Federation. “While a full restoration of federal protections is needed to safeguard our waters, this platform lays out commonsense actions Congress and federal agencies can take in the meantime,” said Abby Tinsley, vice president for conservation policy at the National Wildlife Federation. “These measures will help support healthy populations of ducks, fish and other game species while protecting drinking water supplies and reducing flooding.” 

Read the full suite of recommendations and policy platform HERE.

The TRCP is your resource for all things conservation. In our weekly Roosevelt Report, you’ll receive the latest news on emerging habitat threats, legislation and proposals on the move, public land access solutions we’re spearheading, and opportunities for hunters and anglers to take action. Sign up now.


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September 12, 2024

In The Arena: Allegheny Native

TRCP’s “In the Arena” series highlights the individual voices of hunters and anglers who, as Theodore Roosevelt so famously said, strive valiantly in the worthy cause of conservation

Joel Snedden, Caleb Stasko, and Nate Burkhart  

Hometown: Cambria County, PA
Occupations: Joel (electrician), Caleb (Free-lance filmmaker and photographer), and Nate (part owner of a small business)
Conservation credentials: The creative collaborative established by Joel, Caleb, and Nate, Allegheny Native, uses fishing films set in Pennsylvania to share the beauty of wild trout and wild places and calls for anglers to treat this resource with the utmost respect.

Three central Pennsylvania friends—Joel, Caleb, and Nate—have been producing some of the finest native brook trout content on YouTube through their collaborative: Allegheny Native. The films share the fish’s and landscape’s beauty and the respect and admiration the group holds for the native char. Through their art, the group urges anglers to be good stewards of wild waters and nurture the next generation of anglers, “That way we will always have the outdoor activities we love.”

Here is their story.

Joel: I was introduced to the outdoors at a very young age by my dad and two older brothers. I can’t thank them enough for it.  

Nate: I would have to say that my mom and pap got me started in the outdoors and fishing. Every spring, summer, and fall we would venture to northern Pennsylvania, specifically Ole Bull State Park in Potter County. This is where my passion for fishing and the outdoors began! 

Caleb: I was introduced to fishing through my dad at a very young age, and hunting through my uncle. My first memories of fishing are at Ole Bull State Park in Potter County, Pennsylvania, and my first memories of hunting are following my uncle on my grandparents’ farm before I was old enough to hunt myself. Spending so much time at Ole Bull State Park camping, fishing, and exploring is the reason I grew up to love the outdoors and conservation as much as I have. 

Joel with a camp breakfast fit for a king in the mountains of northern Pennsylvania.

Joel: Back in May 2022, Caleb, Nate, and I set out on a four-day excursion to northern Pennsylvania in search of solitude, scenery, and of course, native brook trout on the fly. It was such a special trip as Caleb came back from Montana and we were all reunited and fishing together for the first time in over a year. Not only were we blessed with each other’s great company and beautiful country, but we had one of our best days on the water together in a very long time. We filmed the whole trip and a lot of it in 16mm film. You can watch Spring Halation on our YouTube channel.

Nate: If I could travel anywhere to fish and be in the outdoors, it would be northern Pennsylvania. There is nothing quite like fishing the mountains of Potter County. We also have a camp in Forest County, and I love to spend my falls there chasing whitetail deer with the bow. 

“…conservation ultimately starts with us, and we need to be the role models for future generations, and then hopefully, they can show the next generation, and so on. That way we will always have the outdoor activities we love.”

Joel Snedden

Joel: If I could go anywhere in the state to escape and be outdoors it would definitely be northern Pennsylvania. My family has a camp in Forest County, and we have made many great memories hunting and fishing the Allegheny National Forest and state game lands that surround our camp. But one county still holds a special place in all of our hearts: Potter County. As the sign says when you enter the county: “God’s Country.” There is just something so peaceful and soothing about being there that every problem in your life just seems to fade away as you climb deep into the mountains and your cell phone service disappears and you’re surrounded by nothing but timber and streams.  

Caleb: There are so many places across the country and the world I want to see and fish. But lately, after having moved from Pennsylvania to Montana and having fished in Montana and Wyoming, I find myself missing the Northeast and wanting to explore more of those states. If I had to pick one place I had to fish for the rest of my life, I’d pick northern Pennsylvania. If I had to pick one place to take a trip, it would be a northeast state I haven’t seen yet, like Maine. 

Joel with a wild, Pennsylvania brown trout.

Joel: Conservation has helped enhance our outdoor lives in so many different ways. I think most importantly it has brought us closer to the game and fish we pursue and also nature as a whole.  I would say the biggest conservation issue where we live is pollution. Whether it’s coming from Acid Mine Drainage or from litter. Our streams here have many side effects from AMD, but our banks are also littered with trash.  

It is important for us to be involved in conservation because nature needs our help. Humans are the number one cause as to why we have all these problems in the first place, so the least we could do is try and help Mother Nature back on her feet any way we can. It can be as simple as picking up trash as you’re fishing up the stream or writing to your local fish or game wardens to see where you can donate your time to help.  

Joel helping the next generation fall in love with fishing.

Conservation should matter to the next generation because without it, and the efforts of so many good people, the things we love such as fishing and hunting will slowly fade into a memory. However, conservation ultimately starts with us, and we need to be the role models for future generations, and then hopefully, they can show the next generation, and so on. That way we will always have the outdoor activities we love.  

Photos Courtesy of Allegheny Native.

The TRCP is your resource for all things conservation. In our weekly Roosevelt Report, you’ll receive the latest news on emerging habitat threats, legislation and proposals on the move, public land access solutions we’re spearheading, and opportunities for hunters and anglers to take action. Sign up now.


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September 11, 2024

American Wildlife Conservation Partners Release Conservation Policy Recommendations in the Seventh Edition of Wildlife for the 21st Century

Today, the American Wildlife Conservation Partners (AWCP) – comprised of the nation’s top 52 sporting-conservation organizations that represent America’s hunter-conservationists, professional wildlife and natural resource managers, outdoor recreation users, conservation educators, and wildlife scientists – released Wildlife for the 21st Century, Volume VII (W-21). This comprehensive publication focuses on solutions to conserve wildlife and their habitats across the nation, bolstering public access, and protecting our outdoor traditions. The recommendations in W-21 will aid policymakers in the next Administration and the next two Congresses in making decisions on sporting-conservation issues and practices that are vital to current and future generations of sportsmen and sportswomen and other conservationists.

“I am proud to have worked alongside the members of AWCP to develop a thoughtful and comprehensive set of priorities that are contained in W-21. AWCP is a unique and collective force, and it is through our coordination, communication, and vision that the priorities in W-21 will be recognized,” said Taylor Schmitz, AWCP Chairman and Director of Federal Relations for the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation. “While this document is intended for the next two Congresses and Presidential Administration, there are numerous W-21 priorities that can be delivered on in 2024, and we look forward to making that a reality”

Every four years since AWCP was first convened in 2000, the partners have put forth their collective priorities in Wildlife for the 21st Century, which serves as the roadmap for AWCP’s vision for wildlife and sportsmen and sportswomen. Although the 52 partner organizations of AWCP may have diverse primary missions, the recommendations contained in W-21 Volume VII represent a consensus amongst the AWCP organizations and shared commitment to advancing and promoting pro sporting-conservation priorities.

“Our partners that make up AWCP should be proud of their ability to coalesce around a shared set of policy priorities which, should they be adopted, would produce real and meaningful benefits for hunters, habitat, and wildlife across the United States. It is a comprehensive suite of recommendations that can serve as a blueprint for conservation and hunting policy in the future,” said John Devney, AWCP Vice-Chair and Chief Policy Officer for Delta Waterfowl.

“The ability of AWCPs partners to rally around a common set of policy priorities is truly commendable. Together, we have formulated a well-thought-out and comprehensive set of priorities encapsulated in W-21,” said Joel Webster, interim Chief Conservation Officer for the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership. “If these priorities are adopted, they will foster tangible and significant benefits for hunters, wildlife, and their habitats throughout the United States.”

The specific recommendations made by the AWCP are featured in nine distinct sections of the report. Each recommendation includes detailed descriptions of the issues and action items to address the issues. These recommendations encourage collaboration and cooperation between federal agencies, state fish and wildlife agencies, and private landowners and support the implementation of sound, science-based conservation efforts.

  • Recommendation 1: Funding for Conservation – Protect and secure permanent and dedicated conservation funding
  • Recommendation 2: Access – Enhance access for hunters, shooters, and other outdoor recreationists
  • Recommendation 3: Wildlife Migration – Institutionalize and support wildlife migration corridors and seasonal habitats
  • Recommendation 4: Energy Development – Ensure wildlife and habitat goals are integrated into planning, development, and operations of all energy sources and impacts are mitigated
  • Recommendation 5: Private Land Conservation – Incentivize private landowners to conserve wildlife and habitat and provide access for hunting
  • Recommendation 6: Active Management of Federal Lands – Increase active management of federal lands and reduce litigation through collaboration
  • Recommendation 7: Species Conservation – Achieve greater results from an improved Endangered Species Act
  • Recommendation 8: Wildlife Health – Support and assist state fish and wildlife agencies in addressing wildlife health challenges
  • Recommendation 9: Climate Change -Sharpen climate policy focus on habitat conservation, restoration, and carbon solutions

Wildlife for the 21st Century, Volume VII is the culmination of more than a year of work by the AWCP and will define the sporting community’s priorities for the next four years. The recommendations act as a blueprint for decision makers to lead policy changes that will make a meaningful difference to ensure our country’s unique outdoor heritage remains and thrives for years to come.

While the focus of W-21 is the incoming administration and new Congress, several of the priorities are still being considered in the current Congress. Wrapping up some of these issues in the 117th Congress will open the opportunity to achieve even more of the recommendations in the coming years.

You can find a copy of Wildlife for the 21st Century, Volume 7 HERE.


TRCP has partnered with Afuera Coffee Co. to further our commitment to conservation. $4 from each bag is donated to the TRCP, to help continue our efforts of safeguarding critical habitats, productive hunting grounds, and favorite fishing holes for future generations.

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