To guarantee all Americans quality places to hunt and fish.
To unite and amplify our partners’ voices to advance America’s legacy of conservation, habitat, and access.
As our outdoor heritage comes under attack through shrinking investments in conservation, loss of public access, disease and invasive species, the expansion of human development, and climate change, the TRCP needs to mobilize to address these threats.
A comprehensive funding campaign that raises $35 million in five years, which will support our mission and Theodore Roosevelt’s vision, empowering the TRCP to seize opportunities, address threats to conservation, and launch our next chapter of advocacy.
The United States has the greatest conservation system in the world, and hunters and anglers have been the foundation of this system since the late 1800s. Today, by uniting and amplifying the voices of America’s sportsmen and sportswomen in federal law and policy, the TRCP is ensuring that this legacy continues for another 150 years. But the challenges have never been greater, including relentless sprawl, invasive species, a changing climate, and increased political polarization. To address these challenges and others, the TRCP must expand and strengthen its work to create common-sense and durable conservation solutions that guarantee all Americans quality places to hunt and fish.
Read the Campaign Case Statement01
Theodore Roosevelt helped to coin the word “conservation” and advance the successful North American Model of Wildlife Conservation that relies on hunter and angler participation. Conservation depends on robust funding for research, management, and restoration at the federal, state, and local levels.
Key elements of the TRCP Campaign include:Reversing the systematic and decades-long decline in federal support for conservation: In the early 1980s, conservation spending made up more than 2% of the federal budget; today it is only about 1%.
Investing in chronic wasting disease solutions and better research; improving oversight of federal programs that are failing to protect wild deer; and educating the hunting public on the threats.
Reforming fisheries management so that forage fish, such as menhaden, are managed for their valuable role in the broader ecosystem and not just how much commercial harvest the species can withstand.
Supporting efforts to stop the spread of invasive species that threaten native species, natural habitats, and hunting and fishing (for example: Asian carp, Japanese knotweed, cheat grass, and zebra mussels).
All hunting and fishing opportunities depend on quality habitat, from clean water and healthy wetlands to winter and summer habitats and the migration corridors that connect them.
Key elements of the TRCP Campaign include:Implementing and perfecting the conservation programs of the Farm Bill. More than 70% of the country is made up of private land and the five-year bill provides $5 billion for conservation annually.
Fighting for the balanced, science-based management of the nation’s public lands, which will depend on strong funding. Access means nothing without quality habitat on public lands.
Protecting key areas that are simply too important to be put at risk by development, including Bristol Bay in Alaska, the Boundary Waters in Minnesota, and the Ruby Mountains in Nevada.
Restoring large landscapes that have been impaired by development, including Louisiana’s Gulf Coast, the Chesapeake Bay, the Everglades, and the Western region’s sagebrush area.
The future of the North American Model of Conservation depends on the ability of sportsmen and sportswomen to get into the field or on the water to enjoy their pursuits, but we are losing access every day.
Key elements of the TRCP Campaign include:Work with federal and state agencies to unlock at least 50% of the 16 million acres of inaccessible and landlocked public land that already belong to the American people as our birthright.
Fully implement and then expand the voluntary public access program of the Farm Bill, which is the only federal program that provides incentives for landowners to open their acres to public hunting and fishing.
Address the maintenance backlog on the nation’s public lands, especially the backlog affecting the National Forest System, the National Wildlife Refuge System, and the Bureau of Land Management lands.
Because of generous supporters like you, TRCP’s Campaign for Conservation, Habitat, and Access will grow the core funding that supports TRCP’s conservation work and catapult the organization into our next chapter of advocacy for sportsmen and sportswomen across the country. Find out why others are lending their support to this campaign.
Read Becky's Testimonial
The National Wild Turkey Federation is a proud member of the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership because we know the collective voice of hunters and anglers is stronger than our individual voice as a conservation nonprofit. Similarly, I personally support TRCP through my work on the policy council, the TRCP national board, and by my charitable contributions. TRCP brings expertise from across the conservation community together to address complex policy issues. I made a commitment to the Campaign for Conservation, Habitat, and Access because I believe the work of TRCP will make a real difference for the future of hunting, fishing, and conservation
Becky Humphries
Read Kyle's Testimonial
As a father of 2 young girls, I feel compelled to assist in TRCP accomplishing this mission. I want my daughters and future generations to experience the beauty and opportunity that our public lands offer. I want them to understand that habitat can be fragile but worth conserving and enhancing. I want them to be able to fish in clean water and have access to hunt our public lands. Few things are more uniquely American than the public opportunity provided to us and the conservation ethic that made it possible and I want them to know that TRCP and its partner organizations exist to further those ideals on behalf of all of us.
Kyle Johns
Read Bill's Testimonial
I was introduced to hunting and fishing with my father in the northern part of Michigan. I found a shared passion with my two sons flyfishing and hunting in similar habitats. My wife, Linda, is also passionate regarding hunting and fishing. These shared passions and experiences inspired me to engage in activities and organizations that could enhance hunting and fishing opportunities for all Americans. TRCP has been a powerful proponent of creating more access for hunters and anglers across the country, effectively impacting conservation policy within our legislative branch of government on behalf of those of us who love to hunt and fish. The TRCP Board of Directors is bi-partisan with each member putting their head and heart into our work. Linda and I have been so impressed with the work of TRCP team both in Washington, DC and it’s field offices across the country, that we decided to endow the position of Chief Conservation Officer. We couldn’t think of a better way to provide other families the future opportunity to create shared passions through hunting and fishing.
Bill Demmer
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Theodore Roosevelt’s experiences hunting and fishing certainly fueled his passion for conservation, but it seems that a passion for coffee may have powered his mornings. In fact, Roosevelt’s son once said that his father’s coffee cup was “more in the nature of a bathtub.” TRCP has partnered with Afuera Coffee Co. to bring together his two loves: a strong morning brew and a dedication to conservation. With your purchase, you’ll not only enjoy waking up to the rich aroma of this bolder roast—you’ll be supporting the important work of preserving hunting and fishing opportunities for all.
$4 from each bag is donated to the TRCP, to help continue their efforts of safeguarding critical habitats, productive hunting grounds, and favorite fishing holes for future generations.
Learn More