How So Many Western State and Federal Public Lands Became Landlocked
This access challenge has become apparent thanks to recent advances in GPS technology, but the origin of the landlocked problem goes back to the early days of Western statehood.
Our blog is where we break down the conservation issues that sportsmen and women need to know about. Get the latest intel from Capitol Hill, learn more about complex science and policy, and follow along with field reports from our staff on the ground. This is where conservation gets personal.
This access challenge has become apparent thanks to recent advances in GPS technology, but the origin of the landlocked problem goes back to the early days of Western statehood.
onX and TRCP release a groundbreaking analysis of state land access across 11 Western states.
Public land partners call for swift passage of legislation to fully fund access and conservation program.
Whit Fosburgh testifies on Capitol Hill about opportunities to support the outdoor recreation economy.
Sportsmen and women celebrate this watershed moment for conservation and outdoor economy.
Administration’s budget request indicates a continued appetite for major cuts to conservation, but Congress can choose to ignore the president’s recommendations.
Sportsmen and women celebrate permanent authorization of LWCF and investments in public lands, wildlife habitat, and the outdoor recreation economy.
Bipartisan legislation would permanently reauthorize LWCF and support outdoor economy.
The TRCP and 42 other organizations are urging Senate leadership to immediately vote on a bipartisan agreement to permanently reauthorize the Land and Water Conservation Fund.
Our first major ask of the 116th Congress: End the shutdown and put the federal conservation workforce back on the job.
TRCP has partnered with Afuera Coffee Co. to further our commitment to conservation. $4 from each bag is donated to the TRCP, to help continue our efforts of safeguarding critical habitats, productive hunting grounds, and favorite fishing holes for future generations.
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