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TRCP’s “In the Arena” series highlights the individual voices of hunters and anglers who, as Theodore Roosevelt so famously said, strive valiantly in the worthy cause of conservation
Three central Pennsylvania friends—Joel, Caleb, and Nate—have been producing some of the finest native brook trout content on YouTube through their collaborative: Allegheny Native. The films share the fish’s and landscape’s beauty and the respect and admiration the group holds for the native char. Through their art, the group urges anglers to be good stewards of wild waters and nurture the next generation of anglers, “That way we will always have the outdoor activities we love.”
Here is their story.
Joel: I was introduced to the outdoors at a very young age by my dad and two older brothers. I can’t thank them enough for it.
Nate: I would have to say that my mom and pap got me started in the outdoors and fishing. Every spring, summer, and fall we would venture to northern Pennsylvania, specifically Ole Bull State Park in Potter County. This is where my passion for fishing and the outdoors began!
Caleb: I was introduced to fishing through my dad at a very young age, and hunting through my uncle. My first memories of fishing are at Ole Bull State Park in Potter County, Pennsylvania, and my first memories of hunting are following my uncle on my grandparents’ farm before I was old enough to hunt myself. Spending so much time at Ole Bull State Park camping, fishing, and exploring is the reason I grew up to love the outdoors and conservation as much as I have.
Joel: Back in May 2022, Caleb, Nate, and I set out on a four-day excursion to northern Pennsylvania in search of solitude, scenery, and of course, native brook trout on the fly. It was such a special trip as Caleb came back from Montana and we were all reunited and fishing together for the first time in over a year. Not only were we blessed with each other’s great company and beautiful country, but we had one of our best days on the water together in a very long time. We filmed the whole trip and a lot of it in 16mm film. You can watch Spring Halation on our YouTube channel.
Nate: If I could travel anywhere to fish and be in the outdoors, it would be northern Pennsylvania. There is nothing quite like fishing the mountains of Potter County. We also have a camp in Forest County, and I love to spend my falls there chasing whitetail deer with the bow.
“…conservation ultimately starts with us, and we need to be the role models for future generations, and then hopefully, they can show the next generation, and so on. That way we will always have the outdoor activities we love.”
Joel Snedden
Joel: If I could go anywhere in the state to escape and be outdoors it would definitely be northern Pennsylvania. My family has a camp in Forest County, and we have made many great memories hunting and fishing the Allegheny National Forest and state game lands that surround our camp. But one county still holds a special place in all of our hearts: Potter County. As the sign says when you enter the county: “God’s Country.” There is just something so peaceful and soothing about being there that every problem in your life just seems to fade away as you climb deep into the mountains and your cell phone service disappears and you’re surrounded by nothing but timber and streams.
Caleb: There are so many places across the country and the world I want to see and fish. But lately, after having moved from Pennsylvania to Montana and having fished in Montana and Wyoming, I find myself missing the Northeast and wanting to explore more of those states. If I had to pick one place I had to fish for the rest of my life, I’d pick northern Pennsylvania. If I had to pick one place to take a trip, it would be a northeast state I haven’t seen yet, like Maine.
Joel: Conservation has helped enhance our outdoor lives in so many different ways. I think most importantly it has brought us closer to the game and fish we pursue and also nature as a whole. I would say the biggest conservation issue where we live is pollution. Whether it’s coming from Acid Mine Drainage or from litter. Our streams here have many side effects from AMD, but our banks are also littered with trash.
It is important for us to be involved in conservation because nature needs our help. Humans are the number one cause as to why we have all these problems in the first place, so the least we could do is try and help Mother Nature back on her feet any way we can. It can be as simple as picking up trash as you’re fishing up the stream or writing to your local fish or game wardens to see where you can donate your time to help.
Conservation should matter to the next generation because without it, and the efforts of so many good people, the things we love such as fishing and hunting will slowly fade into a memory. However, conservation ultimately starts with us, and we need to be the role models for future generations, and then hopefully, they can show the next generation, and so on. That way we will always have the outdoor activities we love.
Photos Courtesy of Allegheny Native.
The TRCP is your resource for all things conservation. In our weekly Roosevelt Report, you’ll receive the latest news on emerging habitat threats, legislation and proposals on the move, public land access solutions we’re spearheading, and opportunities for hunters and anglers to take action. Sign up now.
Today, the American Wildlife Conservation Partners (AWCP) – comprised of the nation’s top 52 sporting-conservation organizations that represent America’s hunter-conservationists, professional wildlife and natural resource managers, outdoor recreation users, conservation educators, and wildlife scientists – released Wildlife for the 21st Century, Volume VII (W-21). This comprehensive publication focuses on solutions to conserve wildlife and their habitats across the nation, bolstering public access, and protecting our outdoor traditions. The recommendations in W-21 will aid policymakers in the next Administration and the next two Congresses in making decisions on sporting-conservation issues and practices that are vital to current and future generations of sportsmen and sportswomen and other conservationists.
“I am proud to have worked alongside the members of AWCP to develop a thoughtful and comprehensive set of priorities that are contained in W-21. AWCP is a unique and collective force, and it is through our coordination, communication, and vision that the priorities in W-21 will be recognized,” said Taylor Schmitz, AWCP Chairman and Director of Federal Relations for the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation. “While this document is intended for the next two Congresses and Presidential Administration, there are numerous W-21 priorities that can be delivered on in 2024, and we look forward to making that a reality”
Every four years since AWCP was first convened in 2000, the partners have put forth their collective priorities in Wildlife for the 21st Century, which serves as the roadmap for AWCP’s vision for wildlife and sportsmen and sportswomen. Although the 52 partner organizations of AWCP may have diverse primary missions, the recommendations contained in W-21 Volume VII represent a consensus amongst the AWCP organizations and shared commitment to advancing and promoting pro sporting-conservation priorities.
“Our partners that make up AWCP should be proud of their ability to coalesce around a shared set of policy priorities which, should they be adopted, would produce real and meaningful benefits for hunters, habitat, and wildlife across the United States. It is a comprehensive suite of recommendations that can serve as a blueprint for conservation and hunting policy in the future,” said John Devney, AWCP Vice-Chair and Chief Policy Officer for Delta Waterfowl.
“The ability of AWCPs partners to rally around a common set of policy priorities is truly commendable. Together, we have formulated a well-thought-out and comprehensive set of priorities encapsulated in W-21,” said Joel Webster, interim Chief Conservation Officer for the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership. “If these priorities are adopted, they will foster tangible and significant benefits for hunters, wildlife, and their habitats throughout the United States.”
The specific recommendations made by the AWCP are featured in nine distinct sections of the report. Each recommendation includes detailed descriptions of the issues and action items to address the issues. These recommendations encourage collaboration and cooperation between federal agencies, state fish and wildlife agencies, and private landowners and support the implementation of sound, science-based conservation efforts.
Wildlife for the 21st Century, Volume VII is the culmination of more than a year of work by the AWCP and will define the sporting community’s priorities for the next four years. The recommendations act as a blueprint for decision makers to lead policy changes that will make a meaningful difference to ensure our country’s unique outdoor heritage remains and thrives for years to come.
While the focus of W-21 is the incoming administration and new Congress, several of the priorities are still being considered in the current Congress. Wrapping up some of these issues in the 117th Congress will open the opportunity to achieve even more of the recommendations in the coming years.
You can find a copy of Wildlife for the 21st Century, Volume 7 HERE.
Hearing highlighted bipartisan legislation aimed at formalizing migration conservation programs that provide financial and technical assistance to states, Tribes, and private landowners
This week, the House Committee on Natural Resources conducted a hearing that included the bipartisan, bicameral Wildlife Movement Through Partnerships Act led by Senator Padilla (D-Calif.), Senator Hoeven (R-N.D.), Congressman Zinke (R-Mont.) and Congressman Beyer (D-Va.).
“Successful migration conservation requires collaboration between local, state, Tribal and federal governments, private landowners, and the NGO community,” said Joel Pedersen, president and CEO of the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership. “This legislation would authorize existing federal programs that support locally driven, collaborative conservation projects that restore and conserve the most important areas wildlife need to migrate and move to fulfill their lifecycle needs. TRCP thanks Senator Padilla, Senator Hoeven, Representative Zinke, and Representative Beyer for their leadership on this critically important, bipartisan legislation.”
The Wildlife Movement Through Partnerships Act would formally authorize existing federal programs initiated by the Department of the Interior during the Trump Administration through Secretarial Order 18-3362, to conserve big game migration corridors. These crucial programs have been supported and expanded by the Biden Administration but remain discretionary. Congressional action to formalize these discretionary programs would guarantee that the work will persist regardless of future administration changes. This is important because state and Tribal wildlife agency annual budgets are unable to meet the full demand for resource management. The financial and technical assistance from these federal programs would help to bridge that gap.
The bill seeks to expand the scope of existing work to support corridor conservation efforts nationwide for a wider range of species and provides Congress the opportunity to support collaborative partnerships, policies, and funding to advance the research and conservation of migration corridors and seasonal habitat.
The legislation would:
– Establish the Wildlife Movement and Migration Corridor Program at the Department of the Interior, to be administered by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, to fund projects that improve or conserve habitat quality in movement areas including habitat treatment projects, fence modification, and wildlife crossings.
– Establish a State and Tribal Migration Research Program at the Department of the Interior to provide funds directly to state fish and wildlife agencies and Tribes for research that improves understanding of wildlife movement and migration routes.
– Allow for funds from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife’s Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program to provide technical and financial assistance to private landowners undertaking voluntary conservation projects that support wildlife movement and migration routes on their land.
– Support the U.S. Geological Survey’s Corridor Mapping Team to provide technical assistance to states and Tribes to map priority routes.
During the hearing, witnesses demonstrated broad support for the bill:
“CSF is proud to support this vital legislation, and we are excited to see a thoughtful and locally driven approach to the ecologically critical topic of wildlife migration and movement and overall landscape connectivity,” said Taylor Schmitz, Federal Relations Director with the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation. “Advancing this legislation will not only support wildlife, but also, sportsmen and women, state and federal agencies, tribes, and interested private landowners.”
“The Wildlife Movement Through Partnerships Act extends the benefits of successful existing federal programs to more wildlife, and more states,” said Mike Leahy, Senior Director of Wildlife, Hunting and Fishing Policy with the National Wildlife Federation. “Important terrestrial wildlife migrations and movements for a wide range of species are at risk throughout the country, so this bill provides an opportunity for states and tribes and communities throughout the US. to receive grants, research funds, or technical support.”
Learn more about migration corridors HERE
Photo Credit: USFWS
TRCP’s “In the Arena” series highlights the individual voices of hunters and anglers who, as Theodore Roosevelt so famously said, strive valiantly in the worthy cause of conservation
Inspired from a young age and through a life of hunting, fishing, and conservation leadership, Joel is driven by a personal responsibility to protect America’s legacy of conservation, habitat, and access to ensure quality places to hunt and fish for future generations.
Here is his story.
I grew up in rural Nebraska. Both sets of my grandparents were farmers, and I spent a lot of time as a youngster playing in the pastures and streams that wove through their farms. My earliest memories of spending time outdoors were forged there.
As I grew, my father took me fishing for bass and panfish on the Missouri River and in the small reservoirs and farm ponds of northeast Nebraska. Soon, I began eagerly looking forward to our annual trips to see extended family in Minnesota, because with it came the opportunity to fish for walleye. Before I was able to carry a shotgun, I was introduced to Nebraska’s pheasants (and the occasional bobwhite or hun) – these were the only real hunting opportunities we had in the 1970’s and 80’s – and that is where I got my start as a hunter. I bagged my first pheasant at age 10 and I was hooked. Since then, my fondest memories have involved the outdoors in some way – from taking my kids hunting or fishing for the first time to exploring new areas and the uniqueness of America’s public lands, each holds a special place for me. Even today, autumn Saturdays in the field, listening to Cornhusker football between hunts, still bring me back to those special, formative days.
“I’m honored that I get to bring my lifelong passions to an organization named after Theodore Roosevelt, the person that brought conservation to the forefront as an American value in the early 20th century.”
Joel Pedersen, TRCP president and CEO
I became active in Boy Scouts as I got older, and, fortunately, my troop went camping every month, year-round. Once, while on a trip to Philmont in New Mexico, we had a black bear raid our camp during breakfast. This was a big deal for a kid from Nebraska! I had never seen a wild animal bigger than a coyote and I immediately had to know more about this incredible species. At that moment, I made it my life’s goal to do just that, ultimately leading me to graduate school research on the black bears in Tennessee’s Smoky Mountains. This experience ignited a fire for conservation in me and it was a defining moment that kickstarted my pursuit of an incredible profession.
As my career progressed, I was fortunate to learn from many great mentors and experience many exciting places. During my tenure at the National Wild Turkey Federation, I became a passionate turkey hunter. I’ll never forget, after many failed attempts, finally calling in and harvesting a turkey on my own – to top it off, it was a Sumter National Forest, South Carolina turkey. Although many places claim to have the most challenging turkey hunting, I will put a South Carolina public lands bird up against any for that title!
“I want to ensure that future generations can have the same opportunities and experiences that I have had. It’s important to me that more of the public understand the impact that conservation has on them and how hunters and anglers have always been at its heart. ”
Joel Pedersen, TRCP president and CEO
Nowadays, when I think about places to hunt and fish, I reflect upon my roots. I appreciate the nostalgia and the memories that my time outdoors has provided. I’m a Nebraskan at heart and I still have a passion for pheasant hunting in the open fields of the Midwest - unfortunately, there is only one hunting spot from my youth that has not been tilled under in the last 40 years – and I hold many great memories of family fishing trips in Minnesota and Canada close. As I look ahead, I’m intrigued by the challenge, environment, and natural beauty of a high mountain sheep or goat hunt. I have never done it, but it is an adventure that I’d like to experience.
However, for me, it is not the species or the location alone that is important anymore. It is the chance to spend time alone in the field, recharging and reflecting on why I am so passionate about conservation. It is time in the field with good people, creating memories, and hopefully inspiring others to be part of our conservation movement that drives me.
I don’t know a life without conservation. It is at the center of my career, and at the center of my down time. I can’t imagine what time in the field, forests, or waters would be like without it. Could we have the same experiences without the national forests that were originally set aside by Theodore Roosevelt? Without the restoration of game species that were pioneered and funded by hunters? Without public lands that were purchased by duck stamps, wildlife stamps, and Pittman–Robertson Act / Dingell-Johnson Act funds? I want to ensure that future generations can have the same opportunities and experiences that I have had. It’s important to me that more of the public understand the impact that conservation has on them and how hunters and anglers have always been at its heart.
“We must persevere by investing and collectively striving to ensure quality places to hunt and fish for our future generations…Conservation impacts everyone.”
Joel Pedersen, TRCP president and CEO
Look at the arc of history in our landscapes and the wildlife that live in them. So many game species were once on the brink of extinction, and the efforts of hunters, anglers, and conservationists brought them back– in some cases to record numbers! But the challenges to wildlife, fish, and habitat are more numerous than ever before. It is up to us to lead in this moment so we can protect what those before us provided. We must continue to educate, and more importantly, thoughtfully engage so that hunting, fishing, and conservation will continue to have a bright future.
We can’t take our natural landscapes and wildlife species for granted – I am often concerned that too many people (including hunters and anglers) don’t understand how the dedication of previous generations has gotten us here. We must persevere by investing and collectively striving to ensure quality places to hunt and fish for our future generations. Beyond that, we need to raise awareness with the greater public about how conservation affects them – whether they enjoy the land and water directly, or they just appreciate clean air and clean water. Conservation impacts everyone.
Beyond the fact that I have made this my career, and it has allowed me to raise a family and make innumerable like-minded friends, conservation has always been my passion. It’s cliche, but when you show up every day to a job you are passionate about, it never seems like work. While that’s been the case for me, being involved in conservation goes far beyond that. Giving back to the wildlife and the landscapes that have provided so many great memories are of paramount importance to me. I’m honored (and it’s pretty cool!) that I get to bring my lifelong passions to an organization named after Theodore Roosevelt, the person that brought conservation to the forefront as an American value in the early 20th century. It is extremely humbling, and I look forward to working alongside the talented team at TRCP to further our collective vision.
The TRCP is your resource for all things conservation. In our weekly Roosevelt Report, you’ll receive the latest news on emerging habitat threats, legislation and proposals on the move, public land access solutions we’re spearheading, and opportunities for hunters and anglers to take action. Sign up now.
TRCP has partnered with Afuera Coffee Co. to further our commitment to conservation. $4 from each bag is donated to the TRCP, to help continue our efforts of safeguarding critical habitats, productive hunting grounds, and favorite fishing holes for future generations.
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