Jay Fleming – Maryland Fisheries Service DNR 2
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After years of angler support for better striped bass management solutions, the Striped Bass Management Board of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission voted last week to overhaul its management plan to better rebuild populations of striped bass—our nation’s largest marine recreational fishery.
This is the first substantive regulatory change to the Atlantic striped bass fishery in almost 20 years, and anglers got a lot of what we asked for in the management plan update, known as Amendment 7. The vote comes along at an auspicious time for some East Coast anglers, as striper season opens in the Chesapeake Bay and industrial menhaden fishing is ongoing in the region, removing valuable forage for bass and other predators.
With passage of the options included in Amendment 7, the Board did not choose to extend the amount of time the commission would have to respond when management triggers—including more striper deaths annually, fewer large egg-laying females, and fewer juvenile fish—are tripped. Improvements include the implementation of a rebuilding framework to quickly respond to stock assessment results and new state-level education campaigns on safe handling and release of striped bass to address recreational release mortality. Meanwhile, state-specific conservation equivalency plans will have much more stringent standards and will not be allowed if the striped bass stock is being overfished.
The TRCP has been vocal since the beginning of this process to ensure that anglers have a say with fishery managers. Last year, we were able to prevent the weakening of the striped bass biomass reference points in the amendment, which would have undermined standards set in place through the recently embraced ecological management of Atlantic menhaden. While not all of our recommendations were passed within Amendment 7, we are happy with the overall management plan, and we feel that the Board will now be able to address both conservation and angler needs into the future.
Be sure to check back here in October, when the most updated striped bass stock assessment will be published. This new data will tell anglers and managers whether striped bass are still experiencing overfishing, and it may or may not trip the management triggers set forth by Amendment 7.
Of course, we hope to see that our catch reductions in the last few years have helped the stock to rebuild, but we will have to wait until the fall to find out.
In the meantime, as we enjoy the season, it’s critical to remember that every one of us can do our part for striped bass. Know the rules, minimize your handling of fish—especially those above the slot limit—and get them back in the water as safely and quickly as possible. Amendment 7 lays the groundwork for the recovery of this important species, but anglers are a critical part of the work ahead.
Top photo by L’eau Bleue via Flickr.
More than 50 recreational fishing businesses are standing up for Louisiana’s coastal habitats and outdoor recreation economy by supporting House Bill 1033. Introduced by Representatives Joe Orgeron, Bryan Fontenot, Scott McKnight, and Vincent Pierre, the legislation would create an annual catch limit on menhaden reduction fishing in Louisiana state waters and implement reporting requirements for the first time.
The Louisiana House of Representatives voted to advance the bill (75-22) on April 27—it moves to the Senate in the coming days and weeks.
The TRCP and its partners are leading an effort to harness the voices of local, national, and even global interests that weigh out the two foreign-owned companies that object to careful monitoring and regulation of their industrial menhaden fishing operations. To date, more than 50 companies have signed on to a letter urging the Louisiana Legislature and Governor John Bel Edwards to enact HB 1033.
These businesses understand that commonsense regulations will help to keep enough menhaden in the water to serve as forage for important game fish like speckled trout, redfish, and mackerel. It will also support Louisiana’s $1.15-billion recreational fishing economy and 17,000 jobs.
These companies are dedicated to the conservation of Louisiana’s world-renowned fish and wildlife habitats, as well as the protection of our coastal economy and culture. To join them, email Chris Macaluso, TRCP’s director of marine fisheries.
Individual anglers can take action right here. HB 1033 will be heard in the Senate Natural Resources Committee within the next few weeks—don’t delay! Let your senator know that you support this commonsense pogie legislation.
Top photo by Louisiana Sea Grant via Flickr.
Washington, D.C. — At its 14th annual Capital Conservation Awards Dinner, the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership was proud to celebrate the conservation achievements of Senator Steve Daines (R-Mont.), Representative Betty McCollum (D-Minn.), and Ben Speciale, president of Yamaha’s U.S. marine business unit and a tireless advocate for fisheries management.
“Tonight, we proudly honor three leaders whose commitment to conservation has had real and lasting on-the-ground results for hunters, anglers, and all Americans,” said Whit Fosburgh, TRCP president and CEO. “We also reflect on the legacy of TRCP’s late co-founder Jim Range, who believed in the strength of the hunting and fishing community to advance conservation policy solutions. Recent legislative victories for habitat, access, and conservation funding are strong evidence of the efforts of individual sportsmen and sportswomen as well as champions in Congress and outdoor recreation business.”
The event was hosted at the National Building Museum by MeatEater’s Steven Rinella, a TRCP Board member. He presented the awards and announced the winners of a spring turkey hunt in Michigan, where Rinella and MeatEater podcast co-host Janis Putelis will serve as hunting guides. The dinner also featured a silent auction and raffle in support of TRCP’s mission to guarantee all Americans quality places to hunt and fish.
As a member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, Sen. Daines championed the Great American Outdoors Act and the Flathead Water Compact, and he has been a leading voice for legislation to improve public land access, address the threat of chronic wasting disease, and clean up abandoned hardrock mines.
Rep. McCollum is vice chair of the Interior and Environment Appropriations Subcommittee and has led efforts to permanently protect the Boundary Waters, combat chronic wasting disease, ensure full and permanent funding for the Land and Water Conservation Fund, and restore the Mississippi River.
Ben Speciale has been a leader in the fight to improve management of marine recreational fishing, conserve the ocean’s forage base, and tackle the threats posed to our fisheries by aquatic invasive species.
“As TRCP enters its 20th year, we believe more than ever that conservation has the power to unite both sides of the political divide and safeguard the natural resources that are part of our American identity,” said Fosburgh. “We’re grateful to be able to gather in celebration of these ideals and the individuals who make a tangible difference for hunting and fishing.”
Learn more about the event here.
Photos by Jessica Yurinko.
The Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership is very proud to announce it has been awarded its seventh consecutive four-star rating from Charity Navigator—the highest possible ranking from the nation’s largest independent charity evaluator.
This repeated recognition of TRCP’s financial health, accountability, and transparency puts the organization in the top 10 percent of American charities rated.
While a four-star rating sets the TRCP apart from its peers, according to Charity Navigator president and CEO Michael Thatcher, our long track record of success indicates that we also outperform most charities—not just in our area of work, but in the country overall.
“We’re honored to be recognized as a solutions-oriented organization that sportsmen and sportswomen can trust to represent their needs with decision-makers who are debating the very policies that will decide the future of hunting and fishing,” says Whit Fosburgh, president and CEO of the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership. “Of course, rankings aren’t everything. We will continue to hold ourselves to the highest standards and work hard to exceed the expectations of our members, donors, and partners, while advancing innovative conservation policy solutions.”
TRCP has also earned a Platinum ranking from GuideStar and the top accreditation from the Better Business Bureau.
Learn more about TRCP’s financial accountability here.
Top photo by Bob Wick/BLM via flickr
TRCP has partnered with Afuera Coffee Co. to further our commitment to conservation. $4 from each bag is donated to the TRCP, to help continue our efforts of safeguarding critical habitats, productive hunting grounds, and favorite fishing holes for future generations.
Learn More